*Running with the Flood* A Warrior Cat RP~Open~

(Ah. I did not know that. She must be very talented seeing as cats don't have lips :D)

"Good. Then you have nothing more to do here, I'm sure. Run along now! And stay within camp." She emphasized.
(Yes haha. She is smart)

Pouting, she turned and slowly went back to the clearing, tail dragging in the dirt.
"Tell that to your legs!" She teased, pulling away from her. Suddenly she stopped, sniffing the air. "Huh. I didn't know catmint grew here..."
Nightbird flared her nostrils, distracted from her tease by the random observation. She couldn’t detect any smell of herbs among the general scent of the forest. She concentrated, standing still with her tail straight out behind her. Eventually she untangled the mingled scents and caught the whiff of catmint, too. “How’d you sniff that out?” She asked.
Nightbird flared her nostrils, distracted from her tease by the random observation. She couldn’t detect any smell of herbs among the general scent of the forest. She concentrated, standing still with her tail straight out behind her. Eventually she untangled the mingled scents and caught the whiff of catmint, too. “How’d you sniff that out?” She asked.
"Oh... I, uh... I spent a good amount of time bothering the medicine cats when I was kit." She laughed, telling a half truth. "Anyway, this seems like a good spot to hunt."
Moosepelt bounded over to Flykit. "Hey, squirt!" He meowed, plopping down next to her. "Why the long face, huh?" Moosepelt, being the clumsy, easygoing, playful, and somewhat clueless young warrior he was, was generally beloved by most of the kits.
She looked up when he approached her. "Oh, it's dumb..." she stared at her paws, then looked back up

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