Runny poop


Mar 3, 2015
Southern West Virginia, Zone 5
OK. Chickens are 11 -12 weeks old. Just going outside since yesterday since no wire over run until then. Nipple waterers. I don't change water as often as I should. Just add more as it gets low. Yes ... dust etc does sift in cuz lids fall off ... Diet same as always (starter crumbles) except eating grass seed heads etc. Sometimes boiled egg mashed up treat, sometimes not.
This morning treat plus went outside for a bit. Yesterday, no treat. Outside a teeny bit. Most of 'em not. Scaredy cats. hahaha
Came home just now .... runny icky brown splat pooos
Acting fine.
Yesterday, chicken poo the way it outta be.
Look on poop blog here I had the same thing and she show good poop and bad poop. Crazy how much we talk about poop.
I am sorry go chicken chick she has every poop there is and she tells you good poop bad poop and broody poop. have f blog but it doesn't un i like her blog but it doesnt answer back like this blog. and has nothing on peacocks.

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