Russian Orloffs

ashandvine I believe that Ideal got their Orloff from Curtis Flannery some years ago, I remember reading something about it somewhere. On the US Orloff Club forum there's also mention of hatcheries getting their Orloff from Curtis in the letters from Charlie Casper.

Darnit! That's not who I had hoped they had got theirs from.
Hi, I got orloffs last spring. Does anyone have any experience with orloffs as mothers? How do they do with chicks? I saw in a chicken breeds magazine at Tractor Supply last week that orloffs don't go broody. Funny, I have had 6 go broody this summer. I have broke the last five from it by separating them into a small cage til they got over it. But now i have another go broody. I have some eggs in an incubator and thought about putting them under her, but since they are not supposed to go broody, will she have the instinct to finish the set and raise the chicks?
I keep throwing around getting some of these. I love the spangled pattern!! They still seem a bit hard to find nice breeders.
WOW he's a beautiful russian orloff,do you breed him?

Yes, I just had my first batch of chicks hatch today. It looks like I've ended up with 9. Not as many as I was hoping for, but a decent number! I'll leave the rest of the eggs in the bator for a few more days to see if there are any late bloomers...they technically weren't due until tomorrow so there's hope!

redrocketrooster my some of my chicks I got where really light & they have turned out dark in color. Perhaps someone else has had some that's turned out different. You can take a look at some of my first & later pics.

greyartist I read that they are not very broody. That to me says that they may or may not be somewhat broody. I've heard people say they have gone broody on them as well as they haven't. IMHO if you have one that is broody she will most probably hatch your eggs. That's a chance you might have to take. I had a broody layer hen years ago that hatched 16 of 18 game bird eggs I put under her in exchange for the ones she laid.

ChickenZombies did you try uploading a pic in reference to your post cause if so nothing came up.

kahlua your chicks where due tomorrow & you got some hatched today. Mine are due today & nothing yet, I will probably get them tomorrow. Are those spangled chicks, they have nice chipmunk markings!
redrocketrooster my some of my chicks I got where really light & they have turned out dark in color. Perhaps someone else has had some that's turned out different. You can take a look at some of my first & later pics. greyartist I read that they are not very broody. That to me says that they may or may not be somewhat broody. I've heard people say they have gone broody on them as well as they haven't. IMHO if you have one that is broody she will most probably hatch your eggs. That's a chance you might have to take. I had a broody layer hen years ago that hatched 16 of 18 game bird eggs I put under her in exchange for the ones she laid. ChickenZombies did you try uploading a pic in reference to your post cause if so nothing came up. kahlua your chicks where due tomorrow & you got some hatched today. Mine are due today & nothing yet, I will probably get them tomorrow. Are those spangled chicks, they have nice chipmunk markings!

Yep they are spangled. Their parents looked very similar when I got them.
I might try lowering my incubator temp a little, although the eggs are fairly small so maybe a day early is okay. But I did have 2 hatch that had open navels, one I am giving a chance to absorb it but the other there was no hope for. So I had 11 total hatch, but 9 that are healthy/normal.

I have my first broody Orloff hen right now. She's been sitting for maybe a week. I'm debating about giving her a few chicks to raise, but I don't know where I'd put her to raise them. And if she's not a good mother I don't want to lose I might hold off. I have a bottom wire cage I can use as a broody buster, it's worked well before, once with a marans and once with a silkie.
kahlua what incubator do you have & what was the temp? I have a still air LG with egg turner, my temp was 102 humidity around 55%, & I hatched the chick in the turner since I had other eggs still a week out. Someone told me they hasd heard of peple hatching in the turners so I gigured I'd give it a try. My Mahogany are off the turner since Tuesday (day 18).
Yes, I just had my first batch of chicks hatch today. It looks like I've ended up with 9. Not as many as I was hoping for, but a decent number! I'll leave the rest of the eggs in the bator for a few more days to see if there are any late bloomers...they technically weren't due until tomorrow so there's hope!

Just adorable

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