Russian Orloffs

I only have a couple of pics from the show. My favorite hen placed behind the ones I like less but maybe it was because her back is a little beat up.
This was only my second time showing (and last year I only brought two). This year I brought Orloffs, Javas, and Marans.

Junior - BB

Harry - RB

My favorite girl (taken in the last few days)

So do you by chance have some better photos of your roo with better lighting to see his coloring .....
While I'm here I might as well post some of my new project chicks! This will be a repeat for those on the FB group...
I've been dying for black and mottled Orloffs but was never able to find anyone selling some, so I decided to make my own.

I bought a Java quad a month or so ago - a black roo (split for mottled) and 3 mottled hens. I've had the black roo over my Orloffs and my first batch hatched out a few days ago.

I'm very excited to see how they grow out!

One of my 5-6 week old chicks came to check them out. I think I'm going to call him Godzilla. He's the product of Junior (BB) over my favorite hen.

Kahlua remember that the judge didn't know much about Orloffs AND had to go by ABA standard instead of one for the LF. I agree with you in the three pictures that your favorite hen is better than either of the two in the show pics.
I am completely interested in your project. I had hoped to do the same but am at a point where none of the birds I wanted to hatch made it out. Please send me lots of info on how these develop.
Kahlua remember that the judge didn't know much about Orloffs AND had to go by ABA standard instead of one for the LF.  I agree with you in the three pictures that your favorite hen is better than either of the two in the show pics. 
I am completely interested in your project.  I had hoped to do the same but am at a point where none of the birds I wanted to hatch made it out.  Please send me lots of info on how these develop.

I had 21 project chicks hatch and have more hatching this week and next. This week I only have a handful of eggs but next week I have at least a dozen or so set to hatch. I will post pics as they grow.
I'd be happy to share if anyone wants some! I'll be breaking up the project flock in the next week or so.
kahlua-forgive me for this question if it is a "duh" sort of thing but what kind of comb do your boys in the pics have? Do the RO roos grow the longer portions over time?
Has anyone ever had a Russian show up with ever so tiny tufts of feathering on their legs? We only have one, looks to be turning out as a roo of course, and he looks right in every other way except these tiny tufts...

I'm having a hard time deciding what to do with "The Russian" I don't have any pullets to go with him and I'm not sure if he's an ideal specimen anyway... Yet I like the booger....
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