Russian Orloffs

I have always gotten rid of the ones that turned out to be less then the spangled not that I did not like them or that they were not beautiful birds just I was trying for spangled, ...

Are you finding a market for the whiter RO chicks or chickens ?

Spangled is all that seems available in the USA but there are other colors of ROs in Europe.
There are Mahoganies available if you know where to look, and project black/white mottled.

I have two cockerels, and can only keep one. One is big and very spangled, the other is almost solid brown, skinny, but has a beautiful long neck. They both have good and bad points and it's killing me to decide between them.

Other option is to cull them both, and hope one of my chicks will replace them.
Because these two are my only really white ones I have no market yet. I would like to have more that are very white so I can eventually breed a straight white line without using another breed of chicken to get it. It will take many breedings to try to breed out the color and only leave white. I do have several of the regular spangles as well. It will take a few years I am sure.

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