Russian Orloffs

gander007 these are just colored zip ties. Each color represents the hen the chicks came from, it's how I keep track of them till I can recognize them. Our Society is working on having numbered leg bands made which will be for 1 yr old/older birds. Some like to use numbered leg bands and some don't, it's a matter of preference. These will be Society specific but anyone with Orloff who is interested will be able to purchase them.

I did not think of doing zip ties that is a good idea and I understand the need for the marking of the birds as I have been purchasing the expandable leg bands on e-bay but I have been unable to find any numbered leg bands as I do the same thing as you are doing marking each chick so I know which hen the chicks are from so I know which ladys are giving me the chicks I am shooting for as the standard it seems several of my ladys look great but tend to give me chicks that grow up and the hen has more white then I would like and several give the spangled and this is what I am shooting for but some people like the Orloff's with the white so I just wind up selling them .

So when I saw you were using the leg bands I just had to ask you if you were doing the same thing as I was doing and it seems so, so good luck with your breeding program and maybe someday we can do business ..
How does he look?Good for breed type?I'll get better body shots,I'm just wondering if he came from a big hatchery order.I am on the hunt for more now,but not 25!!

Ya I hear that a order of 25 chicks is a bit much unless you have someone to split the order with
On ordering chicks, I recommend to try getting them through a reputable breeder first if possible. Most breeders do ship less than 25 chicks, so something to keep in mind and they work towards perfecting it as opposed to mass production.

gander007 are you on our Society fb page? If not I recommend you join as well as anyone who is not already part of it. We have been acquiring new information on the breed and recently, our Russian counterparts have done DNA testing of the Orloff at Darwin Museum. It may be a bit before they have solid results. There is also a translated article on of our Russian members archived describing the varieties of Orloff. This is from a book called "Russian breeds of Chickens" by Mr Dmitirev Yuri, who is one of my top guys to go to for advice on my birds :)
This archived translation can be found on both our fb group page as well as our website.

our fb group page is
our website
gander007 there are several of us have been hatching out Orloff chicks for several months now. I just put a batch in lock down to include Bantam Orloff my wife got.
gander007 there are several of us have been hatching out Orloff chicks for several months now. I just put a batch in lock down to include Bantam Orloff my wife got.

Alright go to know others are hatching out some RO' s as I just saved up another 8 eggs and put them in to the incubator on the 8th of April and hopping for a hatch on 29 April but then I also have a couple of other breeds I am hatching also ..
I'm probably done for the year since I have limited space. Going to process my main Roo tomorrow because the girls and the neighborhood need a break. We'll see if I get a good one from these guys growing out. (Hope so!)

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