Russian Orloffs

I know- I saw the auction and I sooo want to buy it, but I have wasted so much money on scrambled eggs the past month. I need to actually hatch some of those eggs and sell some chicks so I can buy more eggs. Viscious circle
If I could ship I would.
But you come get 'em and you can have all seven.

Are you going to eat them? You should and let me know how they are....

I had one of my Orloff roosters processed a few weeks ago. He was around 8 months old. I made teriyaki chicken and rice with him, and he was absolutely yum-o.
I have to say...I thought he had far more flavor than any other breed of chicken I'd ever had processed.
And he was actually much more tender than a lot of the younger birds I had eaten.
Are you going to eat them? You should and let me know how they are....

I had one of my Orloff roosters processed a few weeks ago. He was around 8 months old. I made teriyaki chicken and rice with him, and he was absolutely yum-o.
I have to say...I thought he had far more flavor than any other breed of chicken I'd ever had processed.
And he was actually much more tender than a lot of the younger birds I had eaten.

Oh really? That's something to keep in mind. My current roo with too much white is just too much of a sweet heart so I doubt I could eat him. If he turns mean though....he should watch out!
The two Orloffs that I got at the Ohio Nationals are both roosters - figures. I live in the city (Pittsburgh) and can't keep them. These are my first Orloffs and I know nothing of quality - only that we adore these birds and are very disappointed we can't keep them (city ordinance). If anyone out there wants them, come and get them. If not, we will make other plans soon. Here they are:







That's just the thing with Orloff roosters, though...I, myself, have NEVER had an aggressive one. Not one of the many roosters I've owned has ever showed even the slightest bit of attitude towards me. That does make it hard to serve them for dinner...but if I can't get rid of them, it's either feed them or let them feed me.
I haven't had any issues with the LF roos only the bantam those things are NASTY! At least two of the three are. The other is coming around (he's the best looking too and was the lowest on the pecking order). He is just really shy which to me is way better than being mean.
If I could ship I would.
But you come get 'em and you can have all seven.

Are you going to eat them? You should and let me know how they are....

We most likely will process these within the next week, because I really do need the room. We ate over 50 Orloffs last year, they have a very good tasting meat. Also seem to stay tender a bit longer than the other breeds we raise. I only have these because I had the heart attack in January before I could get to these last few, and also, was still debating on my final selection for this year's breeders.

I'll be hatching out at least 400 chicks this year from two different strains, plus crosses of those strains and have a third strain I can start breeding this fall.

I have one young rooster in the cull pen that about half wanted to get mean. He was one of the final two from the Welp strain I was still trying to decide on for breeders. One had those darn white legs and too much white, but great carriage and shape, this one had everything going for him except he has a few odd feathers on his legs and I know that's hard to breed out later too. The day he made a dive at me, he made the decision for me.
Now he'll be served with some nice dumplings in a week or so.
That is the ONLY Orloff rooster that I have ever had show any aggression though.
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