Rust in the Brooder


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jan 20, 2013
Hi folks,
okay, so the babies are on their way. They should be here in the morning or Wednesday. Well, a neighbor let me borrow a big metal tub for my brooder, and I scrubbed it down and washed it this afternoon. This evening I was laying the paper towels down for the babies (for the first day or so), and I noticed rust powder falling off the sides. Do I need to be concerned with the chicks eating the powder and/or flakes? It's not major, but I worry about them bumping in to the sides and knocking more off.
Help, Please!?!?
I'm not sure if it would be harmful to them or not, I would assume it is though. I wouldn't risk it. Is there a way you could line the sides with cardboard?

I don't have any big enough lying around. I guess I'm gonna go scrub it and wipe it down the best I can. = / I'm worried, though.
You can call grocery stores and ask them to keep some for you. Big stores like Walmart might not be willing to do it unless you get a hold of the right person but I've never had a smaller store say no. You can call hospital kitchens as well, I'm sure there are lots of places that would help you. It's at least worth a try if there is nothing else you could use as a brooder

Thanks Katie,
I'll try that in the morning. I went ahead and scrubbed on it again, and wiped it down. There aren't any flakes coming off, just a fine dust. I took an old towel and clipped it and duck taped it over the seam; that's where it seems to be the roughest. I just hate the idea of something happening to them that I could have prevented. I appreciate your advice. = )
Yeah I understand. I have chicken wire, surrounding cardboard, around a dog crate as a brooder and because I wasn't using my brain I have cut wire right at the opening of the crate and of course it's the only place that can't be completely covered by cardboard. I'm constantly freaked out that their are going to stick their heads thought the crate wire and cut themselves on the chicken wire. I do sore checks every time I check on them but so far so good. Best of luck to you!


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