
gaited horse

Merry Christmas!
11 Years
Aug 14, 2008
Fernley, NV
I can't get the pix.
gorgeous pig!!!!! I love Satins they are just so pretty.

I would recommend getting her a little bit bigger cage, from the pics it just looks small and even if you have her out a lot I would still think she would want a bit more room. You don't have to worry about so much height(its plenty tall enough) as the floor space.

Otherwise the bedding is good and I bet she loves that box! For hay you can stuff a toilet paper roll full or get a plain paper lunch bag fill it half and kinda wrinkle/twist the top so she has to play with it to get to the hay. Also no need for the salt/mineral wheel with a quality food they don't need them.

They love veggies and fruits if she hasn't had any before you work her up slowly but they can have as much as a cup per day. Cilantro, bell peppers, kale, romaine lettuce, small amounts of carrots, strawberries, melons, oranges, apples, etc.

She looks super sweet, I bet she is spoiled already! Oh an I love the name
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That salt lick is what she came with along with bad food and pine bedding. I want her to go thru her old food first before I get her new good stuff. I did her new bedding at walmart for $5.17 and I really like it I think it's a carefresh wanttobe but cheap. Thanks she is pretty. I am getting her a bigger cage as soon as I can find one.
She got two slices of apples for breakfest and 1/8th of a cup pelleted food.
I don't know what I am going to give her for breakfest tomorrow any ideas?
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get her some new food now(unless there is just a ton) so you can mix half and half with what you get her new so its not a cold switch. Walmart is now selling a timothy based pellet with some hay pieces in it, it has vit. C too, looked ok much better then the other junk they had. Otherwise Mazuri or Oxbow are good brands.

Care fresh is a great bedding and doesn't get all over like shavings, it what i use for my inside pets.
I she is on some walmart feed with the nasty seeds and dyes and stuff. She had a little bit of the good walmart food but not enough to last a week and she has enough new food to last about two monthes. What does care fresh look like?
The care fresh is what you got I think?? Its like recycled newspaper bedding and its sorta soft. I was excited to find the new food at walmart Its called Western Timothy Essentials and the ingredients look decent. I like to have options for people who gets pets from me as I realize not all foods are available everywhere.

Oh and for breakfast my pigs favorites are Cilantro and Strawberries!!! They go crazy, I have 5 new containers of strawberries just waiting for everyone tomorrow they are all going to have red lips! hahahahaha
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I do have oxbow in reno but I live about 40 min. So I don't go that much. Does Western Timothy Essentials have any corn in it I always have heard corns a no-no?

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