S*U*C*K*E*R* it must be written on my forehead...(Pics now)

Just wanted to update that the one died and the other is on antibiotics. I think the first one died because I was unaware that the eye may have had happen what is happening to the one now. It looks like the eye socket got an infection? The eye lids have always been closed. This chicken has been doing well and the eye looks a bit better. Could the eye have "died" and is rotting away? It doesnt smell. There is puss I guess by the eyelid but it isnt running. The chick is perfectly happy and I am sure wonders why it is inside. I have put neosporin on it. Very strange. I guess he could have had his eye pecked at? Thank God she is doing ok. My daughter after all this time wanted to pack it up and bring it back for a refund! lol
I think it is only human for us (once something is born) to give it the best life possible. If that is only for a few days, so be it.

Good luck with the survivor.
aww!! that was so sweet! the whole thing is enough to make ya cry! and you have a heart of gold for saving those babies. who knows what could have been their fate if you hadnt bought them. they are so lucky to have you. and im sure Animal Planet would love you forever if they knew
but not many people would want to deal with deformed chicks. You are a true blessing to those chicks. and there is no way you have sucker writen on your forehead, the only words i see is BIG HEART. Im proud to share this suckish world with you. theres way too many terrible people in the world, and believe it or not, just something small like that, is a really big thing. mayby unoticed to most, but when you do something right, no one will even know you did anything at all. And the chick that didnt make it, well she was blessed to have you in her short life. you probly made it comfortable and enjoyable the rest of the little while she had.
Good Luck with the chicks :] hope they make it and live long, happy lives.
I second that!! Everything you have said here! I had to tell my hubby when he came home from work and I did start bawling! Really touches ones heart doesn't it!
Awww thanks everyone! The lost one was loved till the end and was actually out free ranging with the other babies. I will try and update pics but I have to be up at 4am to get to work tomorrow. Nite!

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