

11 Years
Dec 27, 2008
new britain
Today is day 20th and i have or well i had 15 eggs where all fertile where all developed and where all moving three days ago i check today no momevement what so ever, not one and temp is the same etc its my 6th time hatching so i think i got the hang of it....are they all just tired and getting ready to break out or did all died? power never went out, i dont get it....
should i sacrifice one and open it? i dont want to but im nervous these eggs cost 125 for 18 are straight from Puerto Rico and they where doing great.. what can i do?
What? Don't open them! It's only day twenty, don't open anything!! There's nothing in the world you could do if you found a dead chick inside one, but you'll have guaranteed it'll never survive if it was alive. Leave them alone and let them do their thing and hope for the best!! Good luck!!
ICallMyselfCherie' :

What? Don't open them! It's only day twenty, don't open anything!! There's nothing in the world you could do if you found a dead chick inside one, but you'll have guaranteed it'll never survive if it was alive. Leave them alone and let them do their thing and hope for the best!! Good luck!!

Thanks its just weird usually even at day 20 i see lots of movement, theres been time i hear peeping for an entire day ahead of time.. dunno whats going on? i mean no movement from not one...but will do. thanks!​

I'm at the tail end of day 20, and I just *barely* had two pip. The others haven't shown any signs of hatching, and they all looked good on lockdown. Don't touch them til at least day 23-24.
Pure Puertorican whats called criolla or known and developed by Alberto Betancourt EXtremely famous game breeder. so they are game brids that have true Spanish game fowl blood with true cuban gamefowl blood and irish gamefowl blood refined so much they came out with supreme birds. But note these arent for any illegal activities just no one i know that breeds in connecticut has these breeds and if im the first i can make me and the family some very needed extra cash....lol
Thanks its just weird usually even at day 20 i see lots of movement, theres been time i hear peeping for an entire day ahead of time.. dunno whats going on? i mean no movement from not one...but will do. thanks!

I know it's hard to wait, those last few days can be killer and it's especially hard when there's little or no movement. We're pulling for you here though, don't lose hope just yet!
Thanks i do know these stuff but even tho its my actual 7th hatch i still get anxious..lol by the way i saw your web cam thats very neat.. nice
ICallMyselfCherie' :

Thanks its just weird usually even at day 20 i see lots of movement, theres been time i hear peeping for an entire day ahead of time.. dunno whats going on? i mean no movement from not one...but will do. thanks!

I know it's hard to wait, those last few days can be killer and it's especially hard when there's little or no movement. We're pulling for you here though, don't lose hope just yet!

Absolutely don't touch them.When they are at the end of incubation they don't have much room to move in any case.

AND let us know the outcome.

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