Sad Message about my Chickens


Barista Queen
11 Years
Mar 5, 2008
My chickens have been dropping like flies for the past few months. We had them for over 10 years with no problems- only lost on hen in that time to a raccoon and the other hens all lived past 10 years old. Anyway, we found that the culprit is Mareks. A warning to new chicken owners- buy vaccinated chicks that have been properly quarantined. We had to put down our pets and will try to start over next year with vaccinated chicks. Mareks is everywhere and even if you don't have it, and rodent or bird can bring it to your property. Beware.
I'm so very sorry for you!

I do vaccinate for Mareks - all the chicks I hatch, even though I've never had a case of it on my property (to my knowledge). It is around...everywhere....
I am so sorry. It seems like everyone is having some major problems lately
It made me sick-I had three young pullets and a 25 weeks old splash JG that was beautiful. I also had the sweetest older SLW hen
Hi Coffeemama, I am so sorry for your loss. I also lost 3 chickens to Marek's last year. We had just started out too. We made a promise to always get chicks that were vaccinated against Marek's.

You take care. It'll be better next year.


So sorry to hear that. Hope your new flock does well next year.

Marek's is everywhere. We buy vaccinated chicks and vaccinate our own hatches.
So sorry to hear of your loss...I am having the same problem right now because I just got 25 chicks I ordered 2 months ago and they started dying...all bc of vitamins/electrolytes...

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