Sad today and a word of warning


14 Years
Jun 11, 2008
Poplar Grove, IL
Over the weekend my first ever goslings hatched out of my Sebastapol's eggs. I was so excited, two lovely females and one male. They were doing great. I know I never would have been successful incubating them without all the wonderful info I find here. thank you all!!!

The sad news is today one died. We all know that geese will put everything in their mouth, what I didn't know was how "sticky" the gosling tongues are. I put a stuffed moose in the brooder and the one little girl must have played with the tag, a few strings got stuck to her tongue and I think she broke her neck trying to get free, she died in my hand while I was trying to get the string off her tongue. Her neck was already completely floppy when I found her. She didn't choke the string was not in her throat.

I always am sad when an animal dies, but I feel even worse because this was completely my fault. They didn't need the stuffed moose and I should have checked the moose more carefully. I thought I'd picked a "safe" stuffed animal.

So anyway my word of warning is be extra careful with the cute stuffed animals in the brooder.
Awwww...I'm soooo sorry for your loss.
Thanks for sharing your story and experience with all of us. I'm sorry that you lost your little one. I raise hundreds of chicks every year and I am always sad when I loose even one. I know I have seen a lot of people putting stuffed animals int their brooders and I'm sure that this is a good warning about checking things out more carefully. Still don't be too hard on yourself, you did not mean any harm.
Thanks for sharing your story and experience with all of us. I'm sorry that you lost your little one. I raise hundreds of chicks every year and I am always sad when I loose even one. I know I have seen a lot of people putting stuffed animals int their brooders and I'm sure that this is a good warning about checking things out more carefully. Still don't be too hard on yourself, you did not mean any harm. :hugs


X2 :)
So sorry for your loss! I never would have thought that it would have caused such a problem. Enjoy the two babies you still have!

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