Sadly, when I'm down, it's resented-->venting...

If you are a female, double if you are a mother, you are never allowed to be sick. If you do become sick, which is against all the laws of man, you are never allowed to feel as bad or to be sicker than any male you are married to.

Oh, yeah, I hear that! If I get sick, which isn't often except for headaches, he has to be sicker than I am. I'm sure it isn't intentional, but geez....however, I woke this a.m. with a stiff neck and minor headache and we had about six or seven errands to run in town. He told me to just tell him what to do and he'd go run them by himself. He's really a wonderful person and I feel blessed to have him. BUT, there are those times....
OMG!! My DH is living a dual life and has another wife somewhere else. I say this because your DH sounds just like mine!!! Either it's the same man, or there are more like him!!
i hear you guys....i came down with strep throat last winter, and my husband insisted that i just needed to "walk it off! then he came down with it, and you wouldve thought he was at deaths door or something
I dunno, my husband's like that too, but I think I can sorta understand what seems to be his point of view, b/c I'm like that too...

He does not like suddenly being tossed a bunch of extra responsibilities for tasks he's unaccustomed to, doesn't like, and in many cases has only a sketchy concept of how to do 'em (made worse by the fact that I, the wife, am likely to get all crazy at him if he does ANYthing wrong with 'em, at that time of the month

Well, sure... *I* don't like suddenly being tossed a buncha extra, disliked, unpracticed, high-responsibility tasks *either*, and when that happens *I* tend to get very grumpy and snappy and take it out on everyone around me, too

Mind you this does not make me one bit less peeved at him at the time... but it does make it a lot easier to forgive him afterwards


As one who never really suffered in THAT area I can say that when you get to the end... sometimes things get worse!!! (
Henny having hot flashes and "irritability")
It's not just a man thing. My lump, aka DH, is unhelpful to the point that I get mad and I stomp around and "set" things down a lil too hard until Mr. Lump gets the point and gets up to help. Course that never works out either because his idea of "helping" is hiding somewhere doing something that doesn't need doing while I cover the rest.
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My hubby is usually pretty good. Because he understands it could be worse. I could be leaving for a dog show. Maybe if you take up a hobby where you have to be gone periodic weekends he would lighten up? hee hee hee... this brings to mind an aritcle I read somewhere were the wife went on strike until she was more appreciated. Funny.

Sometimes my guy gets a bit frustrated at me too because he feels he has SOO much more to do when I am either gone or sick. So, I write everything out, down to what to make for dinner and everything. Then I hand him the list and a copy to my son(who likes to help with the cooking) and off I go to the show, or back into my cozy warm bed. This seems to help. Also, I had to work at convincing him that the house would not crash down and the world would not stop spinning if he didn't take care of every last detail. Just feed the animals and the rest will be taken care of when I get back or get better. That seems to help him a bit.

I feel for you though, and hope things will be right with your world again soon.
Yeah, we men are bad.
All of us.
Selfish, unsupportive, unable to relate to our DW's needs.


Sometimes, I suppose.
Some of us.

Look, I know you're just venting, rscrvc.
I know I fall short a lot, but I try to be of help and sense what my DW needs and when she needs it. When she's down, sometimes there's no helping her. She just wants to be left alone. And yes, I do understand your specific examples with what's going on with you.

On behalf of all men, I personally apologize to you.

I hope everything improves great for you all. Sincerely!
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I think the fact that you try says everything. My fiance tries and succeeds, just because he puts forth effort to be understanding. I know not all men are like that, but I want to knock some sense into those that are. Just makes things harder on the whole family.

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