Safe low temperature for hard boiled eggs


It's been a couple weeks since I've had the time to boil some eggs and I am compelled to report the results of my latest hard boiled egg techniques.

First I will post the lengthy, verbose version for those who, like me, absolutely love the sight and sound of our own words: ok, here goes. Ahem...

As most of you already know from extensive experience, every egg is beautiful and unique on multiple levels and there is very likely no single tried and true method of boiling one. But I am now convinced I'm as close as I'll ever get to the perfect boiled variety of egg. Moist, melt in yer mouth white with an equally moist, fluffy, completely yellow yolk and no sign of stringy bits this side of the Rockies. Tasty as heck, but don't tell my hens anything.

Place eggs in cold water*, bring to a covered boil for 1 minute, turn off heat and let stand for 15 minutes. Cool under very cold running water (or use ice to save precious fluids) peel and dry, then inhale or place in brine or in an air tight container in la refrigerateur (French for fridge, lol) as a cunning way to hoard them for later.

*Now the important bit: use ~1 tbsp plain vinegar per litre of agua, careful not to go much higher than that or the shells literally dissolve and it gets worse. By "it" I mean peeling them, which is the toughest part of boiling fresh eggs imo.

With the right amount of vinegar peeling becomes significantly easier, but that also very much depends on freshness too, so don't be counting them chickens yet until you try it. My hare brained method seems to work well with the eggs my hens toss at me every morning, your results may vary.

Another important variable is the ph of your water. If it's alkaline (7 or higher, or "hard") you should use a bit more vinegar -- acidic water (7 or lower, or "soft") use 1 tbsp per litre/pint, give or take a drop or ten. Just whatever you do, do not mistake the leftover water for fine Italian wine, like I did. Even with tomato sauce and feta cheese it tastes awful and your friends will never come over for dinner ever again.

Best HB eggs I've ever manufactured in my sorry life.

Now for the tldr, succinct and directly to the point version of this absurdly wormy (some might say wordy but I banged my head as an infant and it's broken) post:

Vinegar works, the end.

Edit: once again my attempts at posting an image here have failed... Posting images appears to be a privilege denied to me for possibly sinister reasons on my part. I am a chronic, recidivist miscreant and known general pain in the hind teat, so it's understandable that the site masters might wish to restrict my content to little more than occasional text-only grunts, clicks and squeals.

I must humbly request those interested proceed to my album, which should present an image of my latest eggy efforts.
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