Safe to keep baby chicks in flock?

This is my in-coop brooder so you have an idea of what I'm talking about.
Nice setup! I have a coop and a large run, then right behind the run I have the little coop. I live in FL so I was wondering if I should put them outside right now.
Nice setup! I have a coop and a large run, then right behind the run I have the little coop. I live in FL so I was wondering if I should put them outside right now.
Would the bigs be able to see the littles if you put them in your small coop? At 5 weeks they should be feathered enough to be outside. I live in Texas, so similar temps.
They can be seen easily. Cool that you live tin Texas!
Then that would work perfect as long as it's secure. When they get comfortable you can spread a little scratch or even chicken feed along both sides of the runs, so they get used to eating by each other. Then it's just a watch and see kind of thing. Usually when the bigs have lost all interest in them it's time for the actual introduction. Keep us posted, and I wish you the best!
You do not have to separate if you have a good broody. I had one this summer that I needed to separate for about 5 days and then had to then separate a bully hen that kept picking on the chicks. I have one now that hatched chicks in October and she has been out in the open with the rest of the flock the whole time--chicks will be 6 weeks old and they are able to go up to any food bowl and eat and no one bothers them. It all depends on the mama :)

The longer you separate mama and babies the harder it is to mix them back in, even if they can see the rest of the flock. She needs to be able to show them who is boss from the beginning and the chicks need to learn proper etiquette.

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