Safeguard and Feather Damage While Molting

Say, isn't that the fellow with the (ahem) "green-eyed" whites? Birdrain, your reputation is affected by the company you keep

White Algea Eye.
Zaz and I got tossed the first time when she said some of hers get that too when the humidity is up. I snuck back in and then got tossed out again when I got frustrated trying to answer a dingbats long list of shipping questions. Sorry lady, I can't make the PO do anything.
What's the horse paste wormer one?

Another misinformation that bugs me is the horse paste wormer one. Sigh...


Do you mean the horse paste one that goes "It's not mixed evenly so with a small amount, your bird won't get the right dose?''

Or the one about horse wormer not being good or appropriate for peas, (regardless of whether it's the exact same meds, lol)? And that "it's bad for birds?"

Or something about it being hard to measure the quantities accurately because it's a paste?

Or was there another one I missed?

Now back to Angry Bird...
White Algea Eye.
Zaz and I got tossed the first time when she said some of hers get that too when the humidity is up. I snuck back in and then got tossed out again when I got frustrated trying to answer a dingbats long list of shipping questions. Sorry lady, I can't make the PO do anything.
Just out of curiosity what were some of the questions? If you don't mind me asking.

Do you mean the horse paste one that goes "It's not mixed evenly so with a small amount, your bird won't get the right dose?''

Or the one about horse wormer not being good or appropriate for peas, (regardless of whether it's the exact same meds, lol)? And that "it's bad for birds?"

Or something about it being hard to measure the quantities accurately because it's a paste?

Or was there another one I missed?

Now back to Angry Bird...
Where's the pigs? Where's the sling shot? Sorry couldn't resist the joke on Angry Bird.
White Algea Eye.
Zaz and I got tossed the first time when she said some of hers get that too when the humidity is up. I snuck back in and then got tossed out again when I got frustrated trying to answer a dingbats long list of shipping questions. Sorry lady, I can't make the PO do anything.

I thought Zaz's photo essay was quite stellar here:

My personal favorite was the watermelon-juiced pea, but maybe that's 'cause I've raised kids who similarly immersed themselves in watermelon juice. They also completely covered themselves in chocolate ice cream at certain ages... Maybe there's Rocky Road pieds coming next?
Just out of curiosity what were some of the questions? If you don't mind me asking.

It boiled down to the Post Office not insuring for live delivery. After explaining that point for the fifth time she said if the PO wasn't going to insure the birds themselves she wasn't going to ship. Then my outside voice said maybe you shouldn't...
I thought Zaz's photo essay was quite stellar here:

My personal favorite was the watermelon-juiced pea, but maybe that's 'cause I've raised kids who similarly immersed themselves in watermelon juice. They also completely covered themselves in chocolate ice cream at certain ages... Maybe there's Rocky Road pieds coming next?

I've seen people use Kool Aid to turn their Whites pink. They were doing it for breast cancer awareness month.
Ok. I hope I won't have to deal with that in the future when shipping peafowl but I'm sure I probably will.

People get agitated when (1) they don't understand how a process works, (2) they don't like the answer, and of course, (3) when they feel nervous, insecure or out of control. Since hardly anyone can understand, much less control the US Postal Service, there's lots of opportunity for people to go "postal." (Which if you recall, was a term coined after more than one employee embarked on homicidal violence, ostensibly due to the stress of working there, but undoubtedly also related to inadequately-treated underlying mental health issues.)

This person probably was reacting in a not untypical way -- she didn't like the answer, couldn't or didn't want to understand, and just kept repeating her want/desire/previous position .. and was not in a frame of mind to cognitively process what she was being told. Her brain (or what passed for one) had checked out of the process. That's how an unfortunate number of people deal with cognitive dissonance (the answer doesn't agree with their previous notion) or frustration (they can't argue someone into their own position). If you happen to have any youngish cousins or siblings (say in the 2 - 3 year old range), that negotiation strategy is often their main method of dealing with lack of satisfaction with their available options. When the bullheaded stubborness (frustration) fails, they move on to tactic/strategy #2: meltdown.

Unfortunately, some of us never progress beyond those two tactics, and even for those who do, at times, frustration gets the better of us.

Hmmm, you are going to be dealing with lots of stressed out people in your future career. Maybe pick up a good book on behavior mod and start studying people's responses. Karen Pryor had a good book "Don't shoot the dog" but I seem to recall later editions took out some of the good stuff... Fixing sick animals will probably be significantly easier than dealing with whacked-out clients. Stress over sick or injured animals combined with vet fee sticker shock/inability to pay issues make irrational meltdowns in the waiting room an all too-frequent occurrence...

I've seen people use Kool Aid to turn their Whites pink. They were doing it for breast cancer awareness month.
Who knew they could just put out some watermelon and the peas would dye themselves?
People get agitated when (1) they don't understand how a process works, (2) they don't like the answer, and of course, (3) when they feel nervous, insecure or out of control. Since hardly anyone can understand, much less control the US Postal Service, there's lots of opportunity for people to go "postal." (Which if you recall, was a term coined after more than one employee embarked on homicidal violence, ostensibly due to the stress of working there, but undoubtedly also related to inadequately-treated underlying mental health issues.)

This person probably was reacting in a not untypical way -- she didn't like the answer, couldn't or didn't want to understand, and just kept repeating her want/desire/previous position .. and was not in a frame of mind to cognitively process what she was being told. Her brain (or what passed for one) had checked out of the process. That's how an unfortunate number of people deal with cognitive dissonance (the answer doesn't agree with their previous notion) or frustration (they can't argue someone into their own position). If you happen to have any youngish cousins or siblings (say in the 2 - 3 year old range), that negotiation strategy is often their main method of dealing with lack of satisfaction with their available options. When the bullheaded stubborness (frustration) fails, they move on to tactic/strategy #2: meltdown.

Unfortunately, some of us never progress beyond those two tactics, and even for those who do, at times, frustration gets the better of us.

Wow, it's like you read the conversation!
Well, the exact facts and triggers may vary, but there is a remarkable similarity in the progression of these scenarios to the point of being pretty predictable.

Darn it.

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