Safeguard and Feather Damage While Molting

Just to save me from having to re-read all this info, and because of my CRS, could someone tell me if there is any proof of Safeguard causing infertility for any amount of time after dosing? @casportpony or @Garden Peas ?
I think the answer is "no" but my brain is seizing up from too much trying to remember on top of having something of a day here. Kathy probably knows without even blinking an eye, lol.

I can reread old posts later tonight if need be...
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What's the horse paste wormer one?

Another misinformation that bugs me is the horse paste wormer one. Sigh...


Do you mean the horse paste one that goes "It's not mixed evenly so with a small amount, your bird won't get the right dose?''

Or the one about horse wormer not being good or appropriate for peas, (regardless of whether it's the exact same meds, lol)?  And that "it's bad for birds?"

Or something about it being hard to measure the quantities accurately because it's a paste?

Or was there another one I missed?   :lau

Now back to Angry Bird... :mad:

Yeah, I guess I've heard all of those, but the one that bugs me the most is "just give your bird a pea sized amount". Who started that one?

Yeah, I guess I've heard all of those, but the one that bugs me the most is "just give your bird a pea sized amount". Who started that one?

Obviously not someone who appreciates puns
Just to save me from having to re-read all this info, and because of my CRS, could someone tell me if there is any proof of Safeguard causing infertility for any amount of time after dosing? @casportpony
 or @Garden Peas ?

There is a reference in Plumb's Veterinary Drug Handbook that says not to use it during molt or breeding season, but it doesn't go into detail. Another vet book says using it during molt can cause feather damage.

I think both of those can be called BUNK. We know it doesn't cause feather damage, and as luck would have it, Zaz posted, and I do remember she said it before, that she treats with SG every couple of months all year with no infertility problems.

So I'm good, CRS attack averted.
I think both of those can be called BUNK.  We know it doesn't cause feather damage, and as luck would have it, Zaz posted, and I do remember she said it before, that she treats with SG every couple of months all year with no infertility problems.

So I'm good, CRS attack averted.  :old  

I did see some feather "changes" in a chicken hen I de-wormed during a full blown molt, so I think it's possible.

There is a reference in Plumb's Veterinary Drug Handbook that says not to use it during molt or breeding season, but it doesn't go into detail. Another vet book says using it during molt can cause feather damage.


I'm in trouble if it's true lol. I thought .........what the heck!!! My older birds did a very soft molt in the Fall and now some of the one year olds are doing a heavy molt! I've never even seen a heavy molt. Gone over in my noggin.............what is missing from diet? Nope, high protein etc. Just seems odd and here we are expecting up to a foot of snow and worming them to boot. Poor girls, thankful for their heat lamps
Well, based on anecdotal reports here on BYC, the pea people haven't experienced it much. No suggestion that it's permanent, either. So if there are a few frizzled feathers, they will be replaced next molt anyway. Not something that would worry me too much compared to the parasite issue which can cause long-term harm
Sounds like you did the right thing.

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