Safety Issues with Homemade bators

I've made a couple of incubators and not had any problems with them. You just have to make sure the light is not to close to the lid or the bottom so the chicks don't bump into it and get burnt.

How many chicks have you hatched in that and what is kinda youre avrage hatch rate?
And yes I am this conflected about all my diecisions thats why i like to make quick spur of the moment ones cause if not it can take me weeks or whatever to decide and I change my mind like 10 times a day.
I have hatched buttons and chicken eggs in it. After removing a few clear all the rest hatched. I have used it as a back up bator and as just a hatcher. Only thing is you have to hand turn the eggs. If you want to save a little money build one. It also is very rewarding to know you made it and hatched babies out of it.
I used a dimmer cord to control my light which was a 15 watt christmas village light. Very easy to keep the temp once you find it. I marked the spot on the dimmer switch with a pen. That way if I put it away later and it got moved I could easily get it back to the right temp with the slide of the switch.
Im glad you asked this because I'm about to make one too and I have a two year old at home. I never really thought about it being a fire hazard until now. I'm just more worried about keeping it out of sight so he doesn't try to touch my eggs! I like the way it was described about the fever temp vs incubator temp, very clever and helpful.

I'm in the debate about whether to buy or make one too. I've been back and forth on both choices for about a week now. It is such a hard decision and I still have no clue which to do. Luckily I was talked out of the little $16 "toy" incubator in time. I had credit card out and all!

So now my dilemma....Little Giant Vs. Homemade????
Thats me to
Little giant , local and expensive or online and cheaper OR
Home made
The whole wireing thing is my big issue, one I dont think I can do it myself though I got and offer of help, <Im worse then tim the tool man talor , Ill admit it>
But the rest seems so simple a cooler and some wire mesh and a light lol .. Seems wrong to spend 40,50,60 whatever on one store bought when they are like the same thing.
Ill probly change my mind a dozen times again befor I decide .
MY feed store had one of the little plastic 19.00 ones too and I was tempted but in reality how can it hold heat or anything if you can hatch something in that why cant I just use my brood light and a bucket of straw
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Just use common sense and it'll be fine. Rig up a heating element or light in a simple circuit in series with a thermostat making sure ends are secured and that's about it!

As for little giant vs home made. After time and expense if you have to buy stuff, little giant may win. However, the experience and learning that goes in in making one is priceless!
Yeah I dont have any of the suplies not even wire cutters or pliers lol , I do have one eatch of medium sized flat and phillip head screw driver , but I would have to buy everything else. The humidity thing could cost me up to 20.00 or more just by its self if it needs to be one like in all the picuters cause I cant find one around here .

I have mentioned it but I dont think anyone responded about it. Would a reptile non digital humidity thing work well?

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