Said I Wouldn't Do It...Couldnt Resist.. Incubating CANDLED!

you're hatching!!! I can't wait to see the babies!!! I knew you couldn't say "no" for much longer
It was just a matter of time!!! I am so looking forward to hatching my own!!!!

I candled today. It appears I have all three Ameraucanas, two Barred Rocks and two Blue Orpingtons growing. One of the Barred Rocks didnt look quite right, but it was really hard to tell with the shell being slightly splotchy in spots. I'll have to reserve judgement on that one for a few more days. The ones I did not think were fertile, weren't, so no surprises. Today is Day 5 for all except one Ameraucana and it's on Day 12. Hatcher is ready, brooder is ready, stuffed toy for single chick arriving first is ready.
I'm incubating in the Hova and using the big wooden MegaBator as a hatcher since I'm having a staggered hatch. She's already up and running and regulated for Baby #1, due Oct. 6, so that one egg will go in the wooden bator on Oct 3 to let the others continue turning.

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