Salted duck eggs??

You and your computer stuff...I made all the spread sheets, and forgot to go back and record the I bought plain old binders for the animals and now I’m good!! No yuppies in WV...gasp!! :). None here. Either. You should’ve seen the people at the auction last night..we were the only ones with teeth! :lol:
I don't like the Data-Kraken (Google) at all!!! - But their spread-sheets are great, because you can update them from your phone! - Assuming you're not in the golden cage with apples…
What are teeth? :lau:gig
You and your computer stuff...I made all the spread sheets, and forgot to go back and record the I bought plain old binders for the animals and now I’m good!! No yuppies in WV...gasp!! :). None here. Either. You should’ve seen the people at the auction last night..we were the only ones with teeth! :lol:
Dang! :yuckyuck
Oh my goodness, thanks for all the great info!! He’ll love that the license is sooo cheap!! Looks like I have work to do! Oh, do you charge more for pekin eggs? They’re huge!! :)

I only have the Welshie eggs! So all the same price. Still pretty sizable, but every now and then they'll plop down a honking huge double-yolker. I don't charge extra for that, but I put a little label on the carton noting there's a double-yolk included so the consumer doesn't freak out.
I only have the Welshie eggs! So all the same price. Still pretty sizable, but every now and then they'll plop down a honking huge double-yolker. I don't charge extra for that, but I put a little label on the carton noting there's a double-yolk included so the consumer doesn't freak out.
Ohhh, my two Welsh died this summer... I still have the drakes...I was sooo sad! One got hit by a car! I have two dick crossing signs...darn it! They were sooo sweet.
Hi Duckfarmer1,
I too have been looking into producing duck products as retirement is around the corner and ducks have been my favorite birds.

I had to double check, but Metzer farms has an article in their blog about how they make salted eggs. The rest of his blog has lots of info on waterfowl as well.
Good luck

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