Salted duck eggs??



Jul 23, 2019
So, when My ducks were young, I read on the internet that people were paying $22 for 6 salted duck eggs. They were hard boiled and soaking in a salt solution and sealed in jars. Of course I thought we were going to be rich! :lol: Then Chris brought me back to reality with licensing and foos sales etc, for liability issues. But I was still very interested in the idea. But, of course, my ducks never laid until Dec 29. :(. So, I am not rich from duck egg sales..:lol: Anyways..has anyone ever tried to make these type of salted duck eggs? I don’t really want to sell, them, but I was thinking it might be a neat thing to try..give to family, friends...IF THEY ARE GOOD..

Another question...we sell our chickens eggs for $2.50 a dozen. How much do you sell duck eggs for? We can’t possibly eat all the eggs we are getting from all the animals..and we already have a summer farm market at our we’re just thinking of adding electricity out there and fridge with the honor system. :)
Wow, a “dick crossing sign”? That’s very.......specific. Where can I get one of those :lau
Oh my gosh!! You guys!!! I can’t believe I didn’t catch that!! I don’t even swear!! It’s a duck crossing sign...and I’m pretty sure you know that...but..pretty hubby would not let me forget that one!!
Around here people will pay $5-$10 a dozen for duck eggs since they are a treat for baking but every area is different. I have never had a salted duck egg but I have friends/family/neighbors lined up with empty egg cartons weekly for more eggs. I think they are so wonderful I feel like a snob when I have to eat a chicken egg now.
Around here people will pay $5-$10 a dozen for duck eggs since they are a treat for baking but every area is different. I have never had a salted duck egg but I have friends/family/neighbors lined up with empty egg cartons weekly for more eggs. I think they are so wonderful I feel like a snob when I have to eat a chicken egg now.
Had to stay in a hotel this summer for three nights and on the first morning i made the mistake to grab some of their 'scramble eggs' - it almost fell out of my mouth, tasted so disgusting in comparison to scrambled duck eggs…
Don't get me wrong, it was an expensive hotel, over $200 per night, but just store bought eggs from very unhealthy and unhappy chickens. On the other hand the chicken eggs from our neighbors happy hens tasted fine. - Not as good as duck-eggs, but very well within the limits of personal preference.
Around here people will pay $5-$10 a dozen for duck eggs since they are a treat for baking but every area is different. I have never had a salted duck egg but I have friends/family/neighbors lined up with empty egg cartons weekly for more eggs. I think they are so wonderful I feel like a snob when I have to eat a chicken egg now.
Awesome! My hubby thinks I Should put an ad up at our grocery store..there’s a wall for local ads! :)
I'm selling my duck's eggs to an Asian Grocery store here in Charleston. They pay $2.75 per dozen and sell for $5.99 :( - I won't get rich, but it will cover the cost for the duck's food, the cat-food treats and maybe the straw. I'm recording the Duck-Financials in a google table and it will be interesting when the egg production will ramp up in spring.
Tried to sell eggs locally, on local farmer's markets and a wild market at the interstate with very little success (0073 Another attempt to sell duck-eggs), it seems none of those 'yuppies' live in WV.
The guy at the Asian Market told me he would pay more for salted duck eggs - but i don't know how much additional work that might be.
And of course you can become "filthy rich" if you sell Balut to a large Asian community, but i would only do that if i am completely, utterly broke and desperate…
You and your computer stuff...I made all the spread sheets, and forgot to go back and record the I bought plain old binders for the animals and now I’m good!! No yuppies in WV...gasp!! :). None here. Either. You should’ve seen the people at the auction last night..we were the only ones with teeth! :lol:

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