San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread


Oh I am SOOOO tempted! I wish I had another pen! I can't wait to move...

I will keep my ears open for you though...
Yesterday, I hear this noise on the front porch, and my daughter looks out, and finds our Buff Orpington....

Next thing you know, I see this!


She's standing on the back of the sofa, holding the bird up to the AC vent!

Yes, I'm tempted, I brought my tiny birds in (Seramas), but 10 large birds in the kitchen would have been a disaster!
I just about cried watching the news this morning... it's supposed to be even hotter today. Gack. I just keep bringing a lot of fresh fruit outside for them (tomatoes and watermelon seem to be the favorites). I may see if I can find a mister for everybody; the horses are super warm, too.
I missed the news. How hot is it supposed to get inland? Guess I better go out and get my chores done. No more procrastinating . . .

ETA: SunyCalifornia, Cute pic of your little girl. She clearly has a big heart!
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KKH - yesterday they said 96, and it was 100 here on the west end of Ramona. Today they say 101...
It should be a bit cooler up in Julian.

I wanted to ask you about your dog vet; we're going to need one soon. My parents go to Adobe, but I wanted to ask you about High Valley since you take your big guys there.
Aww, that pic is sweet.

Hubby is hosing down their run and favorite bushes right now. We also have a small mister. Lots of watermelon and 'popsicles,' which is quart-sized waterers filled with electrolyte solution that's frozen. I just hope it's enough. Hubby won't allow the 6 chickens in the house.
It hit 104 yesterday here after the rain, I lost my silkie hen to heat stroke
I found her unconcious covering her foster babies. I managed to revive her and she lived until last night when she had a siezure that took her away. I'm so sad. I feel horrible like I should not have kept her in the cage she was in, the roof did not provide enough cover to protect her from such overwhelming heat and humidity.

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