San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

it is so much fun.just choosing the scent part.I enjoy it very much.DD and i talk about new flavors combos all the time.she has suggest several that ive made in the past.
Adding things into it makes it interesting and adds a little texture to it.

My next batch will be a coffee that is great fro gardneers and to get off yucky orders from your hands.
not good in the tub since it has coffee grounds in it,to rough for me but good on the feet.

oh just talking about it makes me want to jump up and make some.

Renee, I too would love to learn to make soap, though I start a new job on Friday and may have to work Saturdays. Will let you know.
I'd love to lern how to make soap!!!
I will have to double check my schedule but I think they put me on at work for Saturdays again, what about Sundays?

Great idea!!!
That sounds yummy! One of my favorite soaps is from Harley Farms Goat Dairy in northern cal. Lemon-scented. I've actually only ever had one bar because it's so expensive. It would be awesome if I could make my own.
That sounds yummy! One of my favorite soaps is from Harley Farms Goat Dairy in northern cal. Lemon-scented. I've actually only ever had one bar because it's so expensive. It would be awesome if I could make my own.

Hi There Renee,

Coffee Soap? Hmmm...I have heard tell of such a wondrous bar! Coffee Soap for Coffee Beans!
I just wonder how Coffee Goat Cheese would be?
Wonderful I bet,with a nice double strength Kenya Nyeri!

I posted this in the duck forum but I'm reposting it here because I got the eggs from Tiger. I put in the abridged details of my story to keep it simple. Thank you in advance!

Hello everyone,
when my duck, Abby started to lay eggs and wouldn't stop (got to near 30) I became worried. She already suffered from lead poisoning from before I got her and she had been in my care to treat her at home (I worked for the vet she belonged to) so she would not have to live at the hospital. All the egg laying was taking a toll on her so another BYC member that lives in my area gave me fertilized duck eggs from her girls. Everything was going great for 2 weeks and Abby was happily sitting on the eggs. Then the heat wave started and she refused to sit on the nest. Using this site my husband made a incubator and we brought the fertilized eggs inside. Two days ago (Wed night) Abby passed away - the heat and lead poisoning had taken their toll on her. The next day, one of the eggs had it's first cracks and fluid had been coming out. We were so excited! Then the power went out. It was hot enough naturally that day that the heat never went below 90 but the temp had been 100. Although the egg/chick was progressing before the temp dropped and the egg is covered in cracks it has since showed no signs of change. Is this normal or could the drop of temp adversely affected it? I'm holding myself back from helping it as it is tempting but everything I've read says to leave it alone. BTW - by the time my husband got home from work he found a way to hook up the heat lamp to the car and stayed up all night to make sure the light never went out and occasionally starting the car to make sure he didn't kill the battery - I LOVE THAT MAN!

What kind of signs should I be looking for?

If the remaining eggs are okay how long should each take to hatch?

When should I help if at all?

Thank you in advance for the help.

Crazy is right, I took 2 hours to get home and don't know what was going on. I have 1 battery operated radio but don't have the right size batteries, had to taped up some batteries and connect them to the radio with some wires.
You should have seen the lines at the Costco gas station in Poway this afternoon... I think a lot of people were caught with a low tank yesterday!

I was talking with Emily a little while ago, and we were both wondering when everyone might be ready for another Modesto Milling order. I was going to give her a bag of lay pellets only to find that I'm down to a half bag myself. (How did that happen???) I have more than enough grower mash, BOSS and scratch, but the layer and horse alfalfa pellets are almost gone.

If there's not enough interest in a huge group buy, I may just order a smaller batch and suck up the shipping.
I don't need anything from Modesto, but Lil' Steve says he could use some nuzzling.

Oh, forgot to mention that GoodLuckCharlie! (Laura) said that they sell Modesto products at a feed store in Escondido.
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