San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread


I have some bantam cochins and half bantam cochin and half silkie hens. I also have some black ameraucanas and some cream legbar hens that lay blue eggs. I usually have some extra beer grain that I could donate for the goats and chickens. It lasts about 2 weeks before it goes bad. If it is spread out on the ground to dry I doubt that it would ever go bad. Let me know if there is anything I can do or if you want to swap anything.


I have some bantam cochins and half bantam cochin and half silkie hens. I also have some black ameraucanas and some cream legbar hens that lay blue eggs. I usually have some extra beer grain that I could donate for the goats and chickens. It lasts about 2 weeks before it goes bad. If it is spread out on the ground to dry I doubt that it would ever go bad. Let me know if there is anything I can do or if you want to swap anything.


My peeps love love love the spent grain. I could really use more for my girls. hehe
Sorry Deb, about the downsize thats tough to go through. Wish I was closer to your place.

Where do you get the beer grain? I have been thinking about giving it a try.
I could not figure out why I had less chicks than I thought I had. I am at least a dozen or 2 short this spring.

Anywho I found a 4 foot gator snake in with the chicks in the garage, chowing down on a 5-6 week bird. Guess it has been feasting on cream legbar hen chicks on a regular basis.

Opps I mean gopher snake
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I could not figure out why I had less chicks than I thought I had. I am at least a dozen or 2 short this spring.

Anywho I found a 4 foot gator snake in with the chicks in the garage, chowing down on a 5-6 week bird. Guess it has been feasting on cream legbar hen chicks on a regular basis.

The first two times i read this i thought you had an alligator at your house.
I guess the heat is getting to my brain!! A snake makes so much more sense in SoCal!!
Quote: It had been trying to eat for it about an hour. and had only got the front end in. My "intervention" made it regurgitate it and escape.
Having to rethink brooders big time.
The birds that have gone missing are mostly in the 2-4 week range. I thought I must be going crazy with chicks disappearing, but now it makes sense.
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