San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

Today is day 13 for the quail eggs we got at the meet up, and I decided to be lazy and give them to one of my broodies. I took the gentlest one (who I was originally going to isolate with the bantam EE eggs) and put her in a rabbit hutch with the quail eggs, and stapled up plastic hardware cloth to keep the tiny things in.

I'll let the broody Ameracauna hatch the EE eggs. She's the highest in the pecking order of the current broodies, and a decent mother. The Polish/Silkie it out of luck.
I've started a thread for the next meet-up:

Please subscribe to it. If you leave your comments on that thread I'll edit the first post as people R.S.V.P. and list what they're bringing.

I'll post the thread on THIS thread from time to time to remind people & so that others who don't frequent the thread as often see it.

Thank you!!

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Hi guys.... I am taking a big hit financially.

To start.... I need to downsize my Large fowl flock.

Would any one be interested in some Wellies. They are just about a year old and laying very well. I have two roos Id be willing to part with as well as about half my hens. I want to keep one roo and and four or five hens. I havent taken inventory yet so I dont know how many I have

Id be willing to trade for some Silky or Silky cross hens clean legged Bantams just as long as they are dark. I have two silky roos and one Araucana roo that need girls. Right now they have Wellie hens.

I am going to the meetup in June....

Good Morning! My guinea fowl have started hatching. I woke up to seven little ones and all are either pearl or pied. Last year most were lavender. They really are great tick eaters and they'll let you know if anything is out of order or there is a strange animal in the yard. I love mine but I've gone from six to forty in the last few years and I'd rather not add any more to my flock.

I'm giving them away, I know Perchie mentioned taking some at the meet-up and a couple of other people thought they sounded fun.

PM me if you want some.

I'm enjoying my little pullets I got from Hillflower Ranch. I'll take pictures soon.

I'm sorry to hear about the big financial hit. I use spent beer grain to stretch my bagged feed. We usually have some extra if you need it. I could also use some wellies if you still have extras.

Good Morning! My guinea fowl have started hatching. I woke up to seven little ones and all are either pearl or pied. Last year most were lavender. They really are great tick eaters and they'll let you know if anything is out of order or there is a strange animal in the yard. I love mine but I've gone from six to forty in the last few years and I'd rather not add any more to my flock.

I'm giving them away, I know Perchie mentioned taking some at the meet-up and a couple of other people thought they sounded fun.

PM me if you want some.

I'm enjoying my little pullets I got from Hillflower Ranch. I'll take pictures soon.

Sigh I am having to scale back. I am keeping the guineas I have but am going to scale back my LF. I cannot collect eggs and they are going to waste..... With the guineas I can take a chance and let them free range so they can supplement their feed. I simply cant get up there regularly twice per week.

I'm sorry to hear about the big financial hit. I use spent beer grain to stretch my bagged feed. We usually have some extra if you need it. I could also use some wellies if you still have extras.

Thanks I am really intrigued by Beer Grain, and at a later date I might give it a try. I know its offered on Craigslist.

I am trying to live off half what unemployment gives. My truck is wearing out, 300,000 miles, I just had an emergency hit happen, two tow truck fees..... sigh. PT cruiser wont shift out of first. I am looking at possibly two grand to fix the PT, the hit coming.

The deal is I am not living at my place. I am living in Santee with my 96 year old grandma. My house is 60 miles east in Jacumba. Anything perishable rots before I get a chance to drive up there. I have the power turned off in the house so no refrigerator or freezer.

I was going up there twice per week but I cant rely on family members to "be there" if grandma needs help. I REALLY don't like to leave her by herself, more than two or three hours. One trip up is an hour up and an hour back and about three hours there. Not enough time to do repairs on the place or fix issues like leaky pipes and trouble shooting issues with power.

So outside of getting rid of all my poultry I was thinking scaling back for now. Find homes for my Wellies and getting some Bantams to keep the Silky Roos Truffle and Sparkle happy.... My Araucana Roo Hot stuff while not a bantam needs a couple of hens as well I am hoping to trade for one or two blue egg layer hens for him. Something kind of between a bantam and a LF. Not a prolific egg layer either.

So I am looking to trade if possible. Bantams and or Silky.... pullets only.


this its waldo, a blue mottled d'uccle he hatched feet first, i had to help him get his head out of the shell, he is a week old and still smaller than my thumb!
second pic is of him (or her) and a newly hatched silkie chick
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