San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

Hehe I've always wanted quail... wonder what I have you would want...
I'll keep them for you.

Maybe a plant? A small tree or leafy bush of some type would be awesome, but anything would be cool as long as it's safe if it ends up eaten by the chickies!
Anything useful for poultry or birds is always a help. Food, supplies whatever.

I'm really not that worried about what I trade them for, if you don't have anything I'll still bring them for you.
I can't make it to the lecture, since it probably would cause nightmares! I'm looking forward to our get together, starting to look for chicken items. I just finished my coop, and was that ever an exhausting chore! Btw, I know a man who may be getting rid of some chickens (neighbor complained). More info to follow.
PureSnowChic- Do you want me to keep them for you? tomorrow I have a club meeting and I was going to bring the pair of quail there for a raffle, but if you want them I would rather give them to you.
I just heard about this, Ill be there!!!! Sounds like a fun day. I may have some Serama chicks I can bring if anyone is interested. Also have some Coturnix quails.
I have no idea. I'll take whatever or nothing! It's only two little birds so it doesn't matter to me.

Some plants I had been thinking about getting:
-A banana tree
-Any trees, shrubs or bushes, big or small but safe for the chickens/ducks.
-a zucchini plant or similar.
Maybe you have some little something or another I haven't thought of yet. lol

Anyway, I will hold on to them for you - or if you don't want to wait that long we can meet sooner.
I would like to rehome them before the hen starts laying and I end up wanting to hatch more I don't have room for! She is due to start in the next week or so! (They start at 6 weeks!) I already have a bunch of ducklings in the bator I shouldn't be hatching. hehe

These are the first quail I ever had and they are so funny and energetic and they make the coolest little sounds (I named them Hopper and Cricket)-- I don't want to get hooked, I'm way past my birdie limit already lol.
I need a female serama or 2.
I have 1 nice juvenile extra cockerel serama I dont need, some San Diego Zoo Red Jungle Fowl and some juvenile Silver laced OEGBs if you are interested (you can see mine in the BYC breed index). I can also get ringneck and possibly diamond doves if you are interested in those.

Oh- and ducklings should be hatched by then too!
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