Sand for Chick Grit

I've been using a parakeet grit for my chicks and for my button quail, seems to work well, it's very fine and was cheap, less than a couple bucks for a small box that has lasted forever.

If you have a Tractor Supply Store in your area, that is where I bought my chick grit. When I couldn't fine it I took a hammer and smashed up some regular grit or pigeon grit which is granite grit.
A chicken's food goes, as is, into the crop, where it is slowly funneled into a very small " stomach" for some digestive additives--then to the Gizzard, where it is 'chewed', that is, ground into material that can be digested as it moves into the intestines and so on. The Gizzard is best able to break down whole grains and other chunky bits that they eat when full of grit. Longest lasting grit is Granite that lasts well. All other rock and stone is so much softer, that it wears down fast and that is why granite grit is best choice, works really well for best utilization of feeds. My baby chicks are given free choice and they choose it with pleasure, baby grit is fine Granite, as soon as they are given anything besides Starter Crumbles. Their tiny gizzards are at optimum function at an early age.
I had a similar if we're giving them chick feed we don't need to worry about grit? Or do we? We've got some that are 10 days old, but most are less than a week. I've seen different things different places. Thanks, Russ
I also gave them some lettuce and celery leftover from making dinner. Is that O.K. without grit?
If you give them anything other than chick feed,boiled grated egg or yogurt you will need chick grit. Really chicks less than one month old do not need the other stuff just lots of love and attention. Jean
my chicks get sand and they love it. eat it like it's going out of style.
DBF tests sand so we have an abundance of it, and it saves us a few dollars until they need "real" grit.

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