Sand for Coturnix Quail


In the Brooder
Jul 3, 2018
Would this type of sand be ok to use in my Aviary for the Coturnix Quail?

The industrial grade might be too course! It's sometimes used in sand blasting. Usually industrial grade sand blasting products will have a number on the bag
(1 - 4 ) stating sand size. It's also angular in shape with sharp points.
Regular kids play sand would be better if you can find it. Or you could use regular dirt in your yard, just put it in an oven at 500°F for an hour to kill any parasites and sterilize.
The industrial grade might be too course! It's sometimes used in sand blasting. Usually industrial grade sand blasting products will have a number on the bag
(1 - 4 ) stating sand size. It's also angular in shape with sharp points.
Regular kids play sand would be better if you can find it. Or you could use regular dirt in your yard, just put it in an oven at 500°F for an hour to kill any parasites and sterilize.
Yes play sand is better, but I've used concrete sand when it's not available and they liked it.

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