Sand for fixing bumble foot issues


In the Brooder
Jun 6, 2020

I'm looking for a good type of sand to put in my coop and run, as I'm noticing my chickens are getting bumble foot -_- (I'm overwhelmed). I think a good place to start would be switching to sand instead of my muddy run and wood shavings coop. Does anyone have a particular brand and name that use from somewhere easy to pick up from (Lowes, Home Depot, etc)? I know it should be course, washed, pure, etc. which is why I'm looking for specific brand names because I am having a hard time distinguishing them all. Thank you!
Don't know if sand would magically eliminate the bumblefoot, though if it keeps the run drier it should help (but that might be more of a drainage issue instead of a bedding issue). I assume you're treating the affected birds?

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