sand in chick brooder


On the other side
7 Years
Jul 24, 2016
Washington State
I have heard several BYCers say they use sand in their brooder. It sounds like such a good idea that I bought some and set up a brooder with it. I haven't moved my chicks from the tiny brooder they are in yet, and I'm having second thoughts. I bought regular ordinary sand. What happens if they eat it? Will it work like grit?

Also, one of my chicks just hatched today. When she is out of the incubator, will she be okay on sand? (My other chicks are a week old.)
I use sand in my coop, but I do not start my chicks out on it. I use pine shavings, however, for the first few days I place paper towels on top of the shavings. This way you can monitor their poop and also teach them exactly what they need to eat. And yes, they will eat the sand and the shavings if given the chance and they don’t need either this early on.
I use sand in my coop, but I do not start my chicks out on it. I use pine shavings, however, for the first few days I place paper towels on top of the shavings. This way you can monitor their poop and also teach them exactly what they need to eat. And yes, they will eat the sand and the shavings if given the chance and they don’t need either this early on.
Thanks Mimi. I tried paper towels over the shavings but the chicks were pecking at it and eating it. They are on shavings now, in a small tote in a bathroom next to the incubator. I got these chicks to encourage a lone egg to hatch. She has hatched now and today can move into the brooder. I want to use a plate heater because the little one will be a week behind the olders and will want a bit more heat. I thought it would be safer on sand than shavings. But, I want to be safe about it for what she pecks at too.
They will be just fine starting on sand. You can put paper towel down under the feeder and sprinkle feed on the paper so they learn to eat.
Thanks for the feedback!
I have a piece of wood to put under the food and water. The little one is anxious to get out of the incubator and in with the chicks and I think she will also follow their lead. One of the chicks has a purring cheep just for her. I can hear them calling back and forth. so cute:love
Thanks for the feedback!
I have a piece of wood to put under the food and water. The little one is anxious to get out of the incubator and in with the chicks and I think she will also follow their lead. One of the chicks has a purring cheep just for her. I can hear them calling back and forth. so cute:love
Awesome. Definitely sand will not hurt the Chicks..

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