Sand in the chicken coop?

Jemma Rider

Nov 25, 2017
So I've been looking into using sand as a bedding in my coop and possibly my run. I've read that it's cleaner because it sort of acts like a cat's litter box and i can just scoop the poop of the top every day. I've also read that it's warmer in winter because liquid drains out of it faster. I admit i have a touch of OCD, i know i know, chickens may not be a good match for me but i got them and i love them so i need to deal with it. I haven't been able to stand seeing poop since i got my first pet lizard as an eleven year old. Now I'm older, but i have just lost all tolerance for it. I'm raking out the run daily and picking up poop in the coop daily but it takes forever and i can't get it all so it makes me anxious:barnie. I've read about keeping them on sand and the benefits but I've also read that it could cause crop problems so I'm undecided. If anybody thinks sand could be a problem then is there any other litter i can use to make cleaning easier. I know it's really stupid but i just can't stand it thinking about them walking on it all day. Please help :th
Roo bird and the girls thank you all.
I think sand in the run should be fine, as long as you don't have the feed in the sand where they will mix the feed and the sand. Sand I don't think would hurt them too much, but it's a good idea not to have the feed I there. I have sand in the floor of one of my coops, and it helps a lot. Good luck!
I have sand in the floor of my coop as well, and it works well for me. I clean it weekly and it looks fine. I haven't had any problems with digestion or bumblefoot, which I know are problems others have. It makes it a LOT easier to clean than hay, I've found. It also looks super nice after I clean it out, with all their little footprints in the clean sand. :)
I think sand in the run should be fine, as long as you don't have the feed in the sand where they will mix the feed and the sand. Sand I don't think would hurt them too much, but it's a good idea not to have the feed I there. I have sand in the floor of one of my coops, and it helps a lot. Good luck!
Thank you :frow:yesss:
I have sand in the floor of my coop as well, and it works well for me. I clean it weekly and it looks fine. I haven't had any problems with digestion or bumblefoot, which I know are problems others have. It makes it a LOT easier to clean than hay, I've found. It also looks super nice after I clean it out, with all their little footprints in the clean sand. :)
I actually had a hen with bumblefoot, i think I'm going to try it out, i just can't enjoy having chickens with poo laying everywhere. I know it will always be there but it just makes my skin crawl. Thank you as well.
My chickens free range, but I do have covered runs and I keep the feeders in them. I’ve used nothing but sand in the runs for over 5 years and have never experienced any problems or bumblefoot. I do find it easier to keep my small runs clean with sand floors.
Try fermenting your feed, alot less poop, not smelly (discount the cecal) & firmer. I went the DLM with shavings plus a poop board under their roost with PDZ in it. I scoop the poop in the mornings, as I check for eggs I carry a long tong than I pick up whatever I seen toss into a bucket that gets dumped out back. Add shaving whenever it's below 4" and that's it, I do toss in some mowed grass when I do the lawn. I live in a residential area and can smell the neighbors dog poo but not my chickens....Got 4 BOs
Oh yes! A poop board with Sweet PDZ is great! I also scoop out the boards with a cat litter scooper everyday after gathering eggs, put the poop in a small bucket, and then dump it into my compost bin. Super easy and keeps the coops much cleaner and better smelling.
There are people here who love sand, and others (LIKE ME!) who would never use it.
Very low humidity, and warmer conditions all year, and few birds, and willingness to scoop the poop daily, makes sand a fair choice, at least for a while, until the poo builds up anyway.
Higher humidity, freezing weather, more than a very few birds, and no interest in having a bigger litter box, makes sand a very poor choice.
I use shavings and stuff as deep litter, and clean it out about twice a year. Meanwhile, additional shavings are added at times, and the chickens have a soft landing off their roosts, and stuff to dig around in, after treats and stuff. Being chickens, who came from the jungle, and want to dig into dirt and forest duff.
Many people who start with sand change later. You might love it forever, or make the change in a year or three. It's fine to try something, and then either love it, or not.

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