Sand needed in the run?

I would just use sand if it was me. I had a dirt floor in my coop and run and when it rains, that is the biggest mess ever. With the sand in there it is not muddy and you can walk without sinking in mud. If I use straw which is not to often. I only use it in nesting boxes inside the coop where I know it will not get wet. If it get's moldy then the chickens can get sick.
My coop/run is still under construction also, and I have been wondering what to do about the run flooring. It is all grass right now and I was thinking I would let the chicks tear it up and then put down sand or should I just go ahead and put the sand over the grass now? I think I am "over thinking" this project and that is what is taking so long! lol
Also, my coop is a childs playhouse with no flooring but I was going to floor it with ply wood and then put vinyl flooring on top of that. Does that sound good or does anyone have a better idea?
I love this forum, I have learned so much and I don't even have my babies yet! Okay, sand in the run is a yes but I would wait till they have picked it clean. Let them have fun eating the grass just be ready to add the sand when they're done.

As for the floor of the coop, what you're doing sounds like what a lot of people do. Then they put down their bedding on top of that.
I have a dirt floor in my coop. It was a dog house and I just converted it. I am sure it wouldn't take much to put a floor in it but the dirt gives them something to dust bath in when it is raining out and they can't get in the run.
the ground wont be too cold for them? I live in NJ outside of Philly and we havent had a really cold winter in a long time but it could be possible. I have been looking into the dirt floor idea now that you mentioned it. My DH is not a "chicken supporter" and I was lucky enough to have him build the playhouse and now I need him to help with the run so I dont want to give him too much work! lol

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