Sapphire gem chicks roosters or pullets

Applecrisp Acres

May 15, 2021
Ok guys so these two sapphires are about 2-3 weeks old so can you tell me if there roosters or is the light grey "lavander" one a pullet? IMG_20210515_170322_228.jpg IMG_20210515_170322_262.jpg
Alrighty thanks dottie I will when they get six weeks old but what about my ameraucana barred rock cross charile is 6 weeks old IMG_20210507_133216_679.jpg
Male sapphire gems will have a lighter colored spot on the head, can be quite irregular in shape. Females do not. They are sex linked. I think I see a spot on the second one. First one does appear to be barred. I am afraid you got two boys there.
Look closely at their wings, if barred then male. Also look at top of head for a spot on both of them.
Male sapphire gems will have a lighter colored spot on the head, can be quite irregular in shape. Females do not. They are sex linked. I think I see a spot on the second one. First one does appear to be barred. I am afraid you got two boys there.
Look closely at their wings, if barred then male. Also look at top of head for a spot on both of them.
Well thats what my dad said lol so one of them is gonna be chicken and dumplings lol when they get older then I guess I got 3 pullets and 3 roosters outta the bunch I bought from tractor supply lol ill definitely keep the dark blue one named Jasper to breed with my standard hens while poppy aka short for prince poppy is a porclein dulce i think that's how u spell it is a rooster bantam
Charlie's comb has some bright red... may very well be a boy. Repost pics in a week or two, or maybe others will chime in with their opinions.
I knew charile was a boy lol and the sweetest little rooster ever. I can catch him and pet him and he follows me around like a puppy lol 😆
Ok guys just got an email back from hoover hatchery and they just said that jasper is a male and sapphire is a hen. So I just replied back to them and sent a pic of sapphire and ask to make sure "she" is a hen where she has light barring or is it lacing so hopefully they'll get back too me. Ok update they said that sapphire was a hen so ill be posting pics when there fully feathered and maybe my other popcorn chicken gang too
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