Sapphire Gems... pullets or cockerels?


5 Years
Apr 23, 2017
Looking for some opinions here. We have two now 11-week-old Sapphire Gems that we bought as "pullets" at a feed store, indirectly from Hoover Hatchery. We're stumped about their possible genders. For various reasons (such as, feather growth, eye ring color, stance, size, etc.), we'd been more or less convinced that they were both cockerels. Just in the past week, we've been noticing that the first one is looking more pullet like, which caused us to do more reading about the gender differences of this breed. This just confused us further. Neither of them have any barring, and they both have coloring more consistent with pullets. Thanks in advance for your thoughts. (Attached three pictures for each bird... one at 2.5 weeks, one at 5 weeks, and one at 11 weeks.)

Bird #1, 2.5 weeks. Note feather growth pattern, mostly white eye ring, jumbo size, and lack of tail.

Bird #1, 5 weeks. Note curly tail feathers, upright stance, leg size, and still-patchy feathering.

Bird #1, 11 weeks. Note pullet-like shape and tail, lack of barring, and darkening beak. Eye ring is bi-colored... some yellow, some black.

Bird #2, 2.5 weeks. Note feather growth pattern, dark eye ring, and lack of tail.

Bird #2, 5 weeks. Note upright stance and still-patchy feathering. Eye ring is still dark.

Bird #2, 11 weeks. Note still very upright stance, thick legs, and lack of barring. Eye ring, beak, and leg wash remain dark.
They look like girls to me! From what I have seen the cockerels and roosters have yellow legs and a lighter rim to the eye, and of course barring. Take that with a grain of salt because I am new to them too and worried about the same things you are questioning. Mine are 7 weeks old and two have been very pullet-esque from the start. The third was slower to feather and very upright and rather heavy. At this point she looks more like the others and her comb and wattles very light. I’m still watching for barring to show but I think she’s probably a pullet.

Oh, and mine in question is lighter colored like yours. My other two are very deeply colored, on almost black.
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we'd been more or less convinced that they were both cockerels. Just in the past week, we've been noticing that the first one is looking more pullet like, which caused us to do more reading about the gender differences of this breed.
Welcome to BYC! :frow

It's accurate to say that Sapphire Gems are sex linked and cockerels will hatch with a white spot on their heads and feather in barred. This is only true for the first generation and will not apply to any of their offspring.

I agree both are pullets! :celebrate
Just like SmileKing, I also have 2 sapphire gem girls and they look like mine! Also from Hoover via TSC. Don't be confused by their behavior - they're naturally a bit pushy if mine are any example of the breed temperment!

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