satstumadori project

Not sure if it was on here or anotrher site but i read that the shamo was a part of the original breedings to get the tail the way it is.... ill have to look again....
Shamo is indeed in their genes, so are Shoukoku and some local landfowl at the time. Those horizontal feathering was an accident or mistake, but a really nice one, that they kept them selecting for it. Minohiki sometimes popup with fantails too..they are related to satsumadori. Shoukoku was originally used for pitfights (and longcrowing) and shamo were crossed in for perfecting them for pitgames...nothing else. This combination gave them a speedy temperament...and that's what they are known for. speedfighters.
Mice, so you would use a bird with horizontal tail feathers like this barred phoenix? I wonder if the gene is dominant or not. I could cross the "turkey tailed" ones with one that has the horizontal tails and then go back to shamo..?
There is Yokohama in these I didnt throw in a yokohama egg, the first crosses were shamo, cubalaya, yokohama. How do these birds look now I only raised one bird worth keeping this season a buff pullet
If you type in Satsumadori on Google you will see some good
images and a couple of mine are on there
the big Duckwing in the greenery

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