Savannah Playhouse Coop with Pics * Update Oct 18th, Crunched the roof

I called the Lowe's service center and they called back and said there are no more Belamy sheds in the area-so I opted for this one. I picked up the larger Savannah shed for $234.88 including tax from Toys r us. This is the last Savannah shed in the area according to toys r us too. And Savannah is my daughter's name- it MUST be fate! DH has agreed to help with construction and floor. Any suggestions or tweaks from someone who is using this as a coop would be soooo helpful.

MichiganWoods, so what's the verdict on your playhouse coop? Did you wind up using it for your chickens or giving it to your kids? I'm asking because I have my eye on the same playhouse (even though they're listing it for $299 now.
I've got it triple painted on the inside, painted on the outside and prepped for my Araucanas as soon as they are old enough to move outside!
My husband has started construction on the playhouse! It is in the garage still but the weather is warming up so hopefully it will be ready soon.

Cass- you painted the inside? Was that to make it easier to clean?
How did you construct the floor? Is this building too heavy to put on wheels to be able to move it?

We painted it to seal up the cedar smell, which is bad (can be toxic) for chickens. It will also make it easier to clean and last longer since I'm sure once the bare wood got pooped on, it would break down a lot quicker on us.

I made the floor out of 2x4's and plywood. I first constructed a large box/ladder out of the 2x4's which I bolted together. Then I placed the plywood on top of this and bolted it into place. I made sure that the platform was a bit bigger than the base of the playhouse, so that it wasn't teetering on any edges.

Hmm. You could put it on wheels, but as you will find out, if you are raising it up to accommodate the chickens' need to be above the ground, it will be difficult. Me and the teenager I found to help me did manage to get wheels under it. But this only got us over next to the platform. We still had to raise it up. And we couldn't lift it. We tried, and that's how it got dropped and how we crushed one of the roof panels. And customer service won't be happy when you explain you were trying to get it up onto a platform. Apparently for kids it needs to be on the ground, not on any sort of platform (don't mention that you are doing any of that, or that your playhouse is for chickens if you have to call customer service!!). We ended up wedging two long 2x4's from the platform to under the coop to slide it up on.

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