Scaly Leg Mites?


Hatchi Wan Kenobi
Project Manager
12 Years
Mar 27, 2012
My Coop
My Coop
I just had a quick question. My hens that I have now, I acquired from my neighbors when they decided they didn't want them anymore and nearly starved them to death till they found my ducks and the food I was putting down for them. They have mites and/or lice, and I'm trying to get them good with Diatomaceous Earth for that. But, they look like they might have scaly leg mites too. I can't be sure. Would treating them for that by wrapping their legs with gauze soaked with neosporin and vet wrap cause any harm if they don't have them? Even better, is there anything I can give them for parasites that kills mites, lice, scaly leg mites - pretty much everything at once? It wouldn't hurt if it killed worms, too. I have no idea what these guys used to be exposed to or might have, and I don't want them giving my ducks anything or giving anything to the chicks I have inside when I put them in together.
DE is not going to do anything for mites/lice. You need to dust them thoroughly with Sevin. Then you'll need to completely clean out their living quarters and dispose of the bedding. Dust or spray the area with Sevin or a bleach solution, dry and dust with sevin, then put in new bedding. ALL to be repeated in 10 days (then possibly again in another 10 if needed).

Scaley leg mites can be treated by simply slathering their legs up to the feathers with vaseline for a few days. If you want to wrap them with vetwrap - I suppose it wouldn't hurt. Not needed though.

BAD NEIGHBORS! Don't you just hate that? You're a good person to take care of them!
Thanks! Where would I get Sevin? Should I do the ducks too, just in case they already spread? Do you have any recommendations for worming them?
Try your farm supply or home and garden stores. Both will stock this. Your'e a kind soul to save those birds and give them a comfortable life!
I purchased three Marans maybe tens days ago. One hen had scaley leg mites so bad she could hardly walk. I dusted everyone with sevin, bought at Walmart, and slathered her legs with bag balm. Bag balm or vaselin smothers the mites. Repeat every few days and your chicken legs will be silky smooth in no time!
I've never had scaly leg mites in my birds, but I understand you can use baby oil or vaseline. Baby oil is easier because you can dip their legs in it.

As for mites/lice - you will want to dust them (rear and under wings especially) with Sevin Garden dust, dust their nestboxes, clean all the bedding out and sprinkle it again under the fresh shavings, and dust their dust bathing spots. Repeat in 10 days when the eggs hatch.
Thanks for all the advice! I picked up some sevin today and I had baby oil laying around, so I'll start the treatment tomorrow. Should I do my ducks, too, just in case, or do you think they'll be okay?
Just for future reference to anyone reading this thread, you can also get Sevin at Home Depot, Lowes, and many other hardware or garden stores. It's easy to find and pretty cheap.


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