Scammed by local breeder...advice please!


Oct 23, 2017
Southern Arizona
So in the town where I live there aren't many silkie breeders at all. At the county fair there's usually only about 3 silkies, whereas there are tons of other breeds. It's kind of just me and then this one lady, who I'll just call DE.

A while back, in late February, I was looking to expand my silkie breeding pool and I'd been following this lady named DE on Facebook for a while. She posted really nice photos of her silkies and other poultry, and from what I could tell she won awards at lots of shows. I contacted her over Facebook and ordered 14 white bearded silkie chicks. Now, she charges $15 per chick, which is kind of a lot considering how many I was ordering, and she requested a down payment of half the money. I was fine with this, since it was a big order and all, and sent her the money over Paypal, which she told me she received and then said they would be ready by a certain date.

That date came and went with no word from DE, so I contacted her, and with no apologies for not contacting me sooner or anything, she said her chickens had slowed on laying, so the date was delayed. OK, fine. I was a little upset she hadn't contacted me before and said so, but I didn't say anything about that. She gave me a new date, and sure enough, that date came and went with no contact from her. I was getting really irritated by this point, and messaged her, asking what had happened to my chicks. She said that some of my order would be hatching next week and I could pick them up then. She made it sound like half my order was ready, and I drove over there, expecting 7 or so chicks. I rang the doorbell and she slipped out the front door, handed me two chicks, and said the rest would be ready 'soon'. I was a little baffled, but I took the chicks, paid her the rest of the money for those two, and went home to put them in my brooder. The same scenario happened a couple times that week, sometimes I got just one, sometimes two. I ended up with five chicks, one with splayed leg that I had to fix.

It was early May by now, so I warned her I was going away for the summer in late May, but could still take chicks for a while as my neighbors are pretty knowlegable about chickens and are happy to take care of young chicks. She said that that was no problem, but I didn't hear from her for the rest of May. I didn't contact her throughout the summer because I was home for very short periods of time and wasn't able to take any chicks. In mid August, I contacted her and she gave me the same excuse about loading the incubator soon.

Finally, in September, I decided that for some reason it was hard for her to fufill my order and asked if I could get a dozen eggs instead with a partial refund, since her eggs were cheaper than the money I had paid her for chicks I hadn't received. She said she was happy to do so and would begin collecting eggs right away. To no surprise, she didn't contact me again. A couple days ago I decided it wasn't worth it anymore, figuring I could find some breeder in my state or get eggs shipped. I contacted her, asking for a full refund of the money I had paid for chicks I hadn't received. Despite her usually extremely quick answers and her Facebook profile saying she was active very reccently, she still hasn't responded. I got her phone number from Facebook and called her. She answered, and our conversation went something like this:

DE: "Hello?"
Me: "Hi, this is Avery. I was wondering if you got my message on Facebook?"
Her: "Um, well, no, sorry, my, uh, wifi went out so I haven't had Internet connection for a couple days,"

Well. I knew for a fact she had been on Facebook less than two hours ago. I tried to tell her what was in the message, but she cut me off and asked me if she could call me back later when she got off of work, and very hurriedly hung up before I could get another word in.

Keep in mind, this all started late February, and it is now late October. She still owes me about $70, which I need to be able to buy silkies from another breeder, as I have a budget for how much I will spend on my chickens. I have sent her a payment request on Paypal, which she has not responded to. I reported her to Paypal, but got some automated response about how it wasn't for a good or service, so I had to contact them by email and they still haven't responded to me. I have no idea how to get my refund from her. Any suggestions? Thanks, and sorry for the long post.
Not really I mean you can but it would cost more than the 70$. You can post what happened on her Facebook page so others can see it. That might be a little cheeky but it's an option sorry to hear about this kind of thing
You might find a good breeder from here
Sorry this happened to you . Cheeky I would be irate :mad: I think DE is a crook and you'll never see that money. But I would ask daily or as often as I could for your prepaid order to be filled . I would also bet your not the only this has happened to . There are more like you .I'm sure of it . Good luck
Blow up her facebook.
Blow up her phone.
Blow up her house.
Oops, scratch that last one. I was getting carried away.
For real though. You know her facebook, her phone number and where she lives. Maybe its just me but I think I'd be on the verge of harassment until she decided giving back the $70 was easier then putting up with the inconveniences I was bringing into her life.

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