Scared juvenille Roo. My darling Reebok.


6 Years
Sep 8, 2016
upstate NY
bok.jpg So, much to my dismay... My last order of three hens at Meyer hatchery contained a roo. I'm not eating him and i'm not rehoming him unless this goes terribly. Right now Reebok is sort of timid and not a gentleman. I moved him and the other two he grew up with in with the big ladies. The big girls who were bullying slept in a time out pen which seems to straighten everyone out.

Right now Reebok is the only one who will rarely eat from my hand, he runs from most everyone (and he's getting pretty big, he's silver laced wyandotte). Beyond being shy he is not a gentleman and will steal treats from the hens and run off. I have been working with him to try to get him to love me and understand that he is okay and we're doing the same job...but I dont think he knows what his job is. Will he get less afraid and start caring for the flock? Any rooster taming advice? I really need him to be a kind adult roo.

How do I get him to want to come near me other than treats and not allowing him to struggle free?
He perched on my lap and hung out last night. I've been working to socialize him. I guess I just want opinions on the situation..

Here's him sitting on me. I was so proud.
thats very good! he's adjusting to your presence and enjoying it. Just make sure he affiliates you with good things like treats and food and good petting seshes
also, cut back on feed in feeders and toss it around the run a couple times a day with your hand. and throw it closer an closer to yourself. Also have a word or chant cooing like word so they know your coming with food. Like heeere LADIES or boook bokbbok
Good ideas and points of view so far! Thanks ladies! Im glad to hear he will probably grow into his manners cuz he's still a little man.

@Ming Ming My call that they all come to (except him) is "Tttthhhheeee chickens!" and they all come running usually. I trained them to expect goodies upon hearing those words. The ladies get it...he doesn't care even though he can see them all eating delicious things!
Pretty soon you are going to be tossing him treats and watching him give them away. The reason I say you don't want him over freindly is once he realizes he's a rooster he may turn nasty on you even though you care for him. His girls will be his entire universe and he could either see you as a threat, competition, or a hen. You don't want any of those.Just be the nice giant who brings food im not saying shut him out but don't baby the boy either. :)
My little 2 month wyandotte roo also steals treats. He wouldn't dare to steal from the older girls, but he'll steal from the 2 pullets he grew up with and they do it right back.

I thought the same as you, that he's not showing signs of being a gentleman... but then last weekend my husband wanted to bring my dog into the run on a leash. Once the we were in with the dog, my little roo shepherded all his ladies into a large open cage that we have. Once they were in, he came to the front of the cage and perched on the edge right in my dog's face. We were very impressed with his courage (not that our dog's aggressive, but he doesn't know that). He just sat there like, "Ok, that's far enough." He also crows whenever my dog is out. Good solid protecting skills are showing even though his other traits aren't quite there yet.
Thanks so much you guys! I hope I can strike a balance with little man where he is protective and non aggressive toward me! I love all of these stories they give me hope!
TBH I didn't want a rooster but he is lovely so far so we shall see

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