Scared of the dark?!


6 Years
Sep 23, 2017
My lil chickies are 4 wks old tomorrow & have been spending as much time as possible in their coop/run area, most of the time it’s just been a few hours

I usually put them back inside before work (10a-2pm, I work 2nd shift). They’ve been in the house the majority of the time up to this point. Since today was Sun, they were outside much longer. I was out & got home later than sunset. They were all huddled together & crying & I didn’t even think they’d have a hard time transitioning to being out at poor lil babies. I felt guilty! Idk why I just assumed they’d be ok & take it in stride..but ok, live & learn

Has anyone tried slowly transitioning them while working 2nd shift? (3p-11:30p). Or is it best to just rip off the bandaid quick & let them cry it out?
I have flood lights in the yard do to a lone wolf. The flood lights were installed after identifying the wolf and following its path that included the coop perimeter. I have a flood light on the same side of the garage that the coop is on. Not sure if this would help you.
I have flood lights in the yard do to a lone wolf. The flood lights were installed after identifying the wolf and following its path that included the coop perimeter. I have a flood light on the same side of the garage that the coop is on. Not sure if this would help you.
In that case, just adapt the chicks to whatever the light schedule is at your place. Your chicks, not mine.....
my coop & run are combined. I’ll have to take pics & share tomorrow when there’s light out. It’s a ‘very open air’ coop-run

No power running to it, but I can put a solar light right outside the door that can act as a nightlight... that would probably work ok. I’ll let it charge during the day & take it off it’s hook & put it in their roost area for a few nights. Good thing is it slowly fades as the night wears on
I shut the lights on the brooder after week 2. They adapted pretty quickly. So maybe your chicks were a little afraid of being outside? Chickens can’t see in the dark after all.

My chicks all chirp loudly and look for me to put them away when it starts getting dark... They seem to have an internal alarm that goes off at about 7:30pm... Then I will put them in the coop and they will be very loud for a bit, figuring out who gets which roosting spot. After a while they will settle down and I will get the occasional quiet chirp if I walk by with a torch.
Chickens can’t see in the dark after all.

No night vision at all? Ive learned something else today!

They seem to have an internal alarm that goes off at about 7:30pm... Then I will put them in the coop...

I’m at work in the evening & don’t get home until 11:30pm. 😐
Maybe you can put their brooding box in the run and provide access to it... or make a temporary coop sorts?

When my chicks were 3-4 weeks I propped a cat litter box upsidedown in their outdoors pen so they could run under it whenever they needed a safe spot.

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