scared to death

Two chick's! I have two chicks! No other pips yet that I can see but....TWO CHICKS!
Yes I will get pics :) one of them is acting like it can't extend it's right leg. What is that about? I'm also doing the heating pad brooder and they haven't came out once :/
I use the ecoglow brooder heater and the young ones dont come out very often. I sprinkle food on the floor close to the opening and they come out eventually. Usually there is one little daredevil and everyone follows her. Is the one with the questionable leg not putting weight on it? Try to post a photo or two. Sometimes they get stronger on their own and hopefully thats going to happen with yours.
I thInk it's putting weight on it she hobbles on it bad though. Ok so I water candled them and only two wiggled So I eggtopsied the rest. ...theyes were very far along all except for one which shouldn't have made it into lockdown but I wasn't able to see because the shell was so dark. one of the eggs that is still alive is chirping I'm freaking out thinking that it's not going to make humans with our babies everything is oh my gosh we have to get it out now! I know its not the same with chicks but it's hard to fight that instinct.I keep thinking what if it doesn't make it!the others were so far along that it makes me nervous that something is going to happen to this one and the other one.
Here's the one with the leg issue (the leg you can see is the leg in question) she's half EE half welsummer

here's the other she's half leghorn half welsummer


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