Scary Stories

It's so easy to get spooked out where I live, and on my property. We have a Medicine trail behind my property that leads about 1/4 down to where we currently rent, threw this yard and down across the river, up the mountain to some dance grounds. This is not a "good" medicine either. This trail is used by the Putowon (POO-TOE-WON) which is a shape shifter, a witch type person. A medicine man/woman that does evil and not good. Or so our Tribal legend says so.
I live in a somewhat urban area, so I don't know what its like to live near the woods. I do live near the everglades, though. I like nature its just I'm not a big fan of going out at night. I have heard stories of the skinwalker and other things. Its just cool to think that there might be thousands of animals that lurk past human detection But its also kinda creepy.
I live in a somewhat urban area, so I don't know what its like to live near the woods. I do live near the everglades, though. I like nature its just I'm not a big fan of going out at night. I have heard stories of the skinwalker and other things. Its just cool to think that there might be thousands of animals that lurk past human detection But its also kinda creepy.

I live smack dab in the middle of Big Foot country. I have no personal experiences, but my family has. In fact I believe the big foot hunters show came to Hoopa once. I need to look that up. The unknown creatures are terrifying yet fascinating!! I love to spook my kids with the stories!
The closest thing I've had to an experience is lights and sounds the night one of my duck died. It might just be a coincidence, and I never really thought anything of it. It was sad though. One of my rouens was mutilated with no blood and meat. They only reason I recognized her was her blue feather at the end of where her tail used to be
This is kinda werid. This morning I woke up to see a dead Muscovy duck at the foot of my lake.
I still don't think much of it. It might of drown. I would show a pic but it is graphic.
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I love to read mythology, scary camp fire stories, and ghost stories. But one that really gets my adrenaline pumping is nightmares!! I need to fine my nightmare journal and share a few with you. If I could turn them into movies, I'd be a billionaire!!

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