Schools and candy

This is the biggest issue here. This was completely inappropriate. As the teacher, I'd have registered a complaint over this with the local school board. The principal should be censured if she publicly "dressed down" a teacher ESPECIALLY in front of students. A school administrator who behaves in this manner should be removed from his/her position, in my opinion.

That's what I was think. What a sick weirdo.
Well done kiddos! Please pass on my congrats. Amazing she took such a responsible path (as opposed to just pitching a tantrum, SOME kids are NUTSO nowadays but then so are some parents) and VERY smart of the principal to respect the path chosen and grant the right to all. Just a great ending overall.

With parties/treats down here they usually slate them for afternoon and you take your treat bag (if any) home with you... only cupcakes (laden with candy and icing) are eaten on campus. A fine point, but there it is.
Cool of the 5th graders to do that.
As an adult I would find the beat down by the principal in front of others to be inappropriate,and would report it to HER boss. Probably won't help,but I would do it or verbally attack her right back.
Congrats to your 5th graders! What a wonderful example they should be to the rest of the school.

My children have a similar issue with their principal. She is a royal pain in the you know what. My son and some of his friends were throwing snow balls at each other at recess one day and they all got 3 days of recess detention! They were never told to not touch the snow and really, if they are that worried about it and going to punish them that bad, they should never have let them play outside to begin with.

We as parents at the school haven't been told that we can't bring homemade treats in, just nothing with peanuts in it. My kids bring home gobs and gobs of candy on holidays at school. Halloween, Christmas, Valentines day, and Easter. They get tons. I usually buy a big box of fruit snacks and tape them to the Valentines for each kid.
Go fifth graders!!! Principal sounds like a nutcase. No reason to fly off the handle about CANDY. Really, are there not other, more pressing problems in the school that she could better use her time addressing? You have to pick your battles, and this is a stupid one for her to pick!
Once a month we have publishing celebrations (can't use the word party) to share the finished writing products of the assignments. The students can bring anything but the Hot Cheetos and snacks like that because of the mess they red dye on their hands make. We encourage home made items such as cupcakes for Rice Krispy treats. That is the only time they are allowed to have sodas at school and they cannot leave the classroom. Nothing can be eaten in the cafeteria that is considered candy or potato chips due to the nutrition laws. Students who bring their lunch know they are not supposed to pack certain items that they cannot eat in the lunchroom. Those students I tell to leave their snacks in the classroom and they can eat them later in privacy. We have no specific rules about using candy for rewards but I try not to because of the major issues we have with childhood obesity and diabetes here on the Border. If a principal came into my classroom and dressed me down in front of my class we would have a major lawsuit because I would not take treatment like that. Most schools do leave such policies up to the administration of the school but it is supposed to be a blanket policy, not the lower grades can have it but the upper grades can't.

ETA: Bake sales are a whole different ballgame. It used to be you baked something to sell for a fundraiser, now it has to be pre-purchased and pre-wrapped items only due to the food allergies. The item has to have the original container stating the ingredients the item is made with. Food safety is the reason there.
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I think it is a good thing too. I've been a diabetic since the age of four and there was nothing worse than having to sit through my class mates eating cakes, candies, etc. while I could not have any of it. Sometimes I had great teachers or friends who would make sure there was something I could have, but most of the time I would be left out. Now it's not such a big deal for me, but as a child it was close to torture.
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