seabright colours


10 Years
Mar 17, 2009
Hi I recently saw an ad for some buff sebrights are these a seperate colour or are they produced by mating a gold and silver together.If this is not the case what colour would a gold and silver cross produce?
If Buff Sebrights were created from Golds and Silvers, then I'd imagine it would take several generations before getting the buff color laced with white. I don't know much about the Buffs.

But when crossing a Gold to a Silver:

If the Father is Gold and the mother is Silver, then all pullets will be Gold like the father, while all roosters will me a mixed offcolor of silver/gold. Same thing happens with a Silver father: all silver pullets.

That's the general idea.
Buff laced sebrights are gold laced with the addition of dominant white to the bird ( a buff bird with a white lace).

If they are solid buff then they are made by out crossing a gold laced to a buff breed.

In either case, the breeder would have to outcross to produce another variety.


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