Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

I would love to get started with seebies!!!! Does anyone have any goslings still available or by a long shot any still laying that could ship?
I have cuddle time after bath time at night with my 3 week old sebbies. I spread towels all over my bed. As I was giving the goose a little more attention because she is shy the gander ran on to my chest and under my neck as if to say no no no give me attention. Are males usually friendlier at this age?
Hi everyone, I've never posted here before, but I wanted to pop in due to a recent message I received in which I was informed that someone publicly posted the name of the person I bought eggs from on eBay that may or may not have been the cause of the mycoplasma that showed up in my flock. I want to state that at this point we are not 100% sure that the mycoplasma did indeed come from this person. I'm not going to post the name again, because I never intended it to be public knowledge, especially without knowing with 100% certainty that the disease came from their flock. I'm currently working with them and they are being great about it. The original infected gosling is going to be tested so we can confirm that she does indeed have mycoplasma. They are also going to test their birds if necessary. The original intent of my original post was a reminder to those that had helped me a lot that they need to be careful and research before they buy their eggs, not to throw a particular seller under the bus.

I am actually kind of upset that the name was posted publicly. The only reason I ever gave it out was because a few people messaged me that they had bought sebastopol eggs on eBay and were now having some weird things in their flock and wanted to know the name of the person I bought from to see if they should be worried, so I gave them the name to try to help them before all their birds got sick, like what happened with mine. And as it turns out, none of those people bought eggs from the same person I did. I was only giving out the name with the assumption that this is what was going on and that people were trying to determine what the illness in their flock was. I never ever wanted it to be said publicly, because it is very damaging to a seller's reputation. For all I know, even though it's unlikely, the goslings may have somehow been infected by wild birds. They were never outside, but maybe I walked through infected bird poop and brought it into the brooder shed that way. At this point, there is no way to know, and there's no reason to spread rumors about a particular seller. I apologize that this has happened, and it was never my intent. I've learned my lesson, and in the future I will not be giving any names out, even to try to help others, until I am 100% certain of something.
I just started and got my first hatched sebbie on EASTER MORNING! out of 18 eggs we got one.... We had someone else hatch them for us because we didnt have an incubator at that time.We named her Easter. We Got 8 more eggs and hatched 1 and another one died on the 25th day I believe? Named her Lily! And we bough 2 more around the age and younger than Easter! They think Easter is the leader so they follow her. But the geese are so much fun!! Il post pictures later.
I live in Arizona and I am looking for some Sebastopol's. I was wondering if there is anyone in AZ? 
I love the look of this breed and would welcome any info anyone can give me. 

Thank you so much. 

Hi little chiken, I've just started with my first Sebastopol, and I too would love to find someone else in Tucson as a resource.

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