Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

Renie your sebbies are still youngsters and it takes a good 3 year for the feathering to come out to it's best. Yes, some sebbies do have super feathering at a young age but those are far and few inbetween. For one the feathers look wet because they are out in the snow and will take what I call snow baths and the feathering does not look as fluffy. I catch mine out there in the snow acting like they are in water flapping snow all over their feathering. Making the feathering look flatter.

Thank you for making me feel better. :)
Some sebbies have much better feathering then others. This is why we grow them out to see what quality the goose or gander might be in type and feathering.
Then we pick our favorites and sell the other for pets and make sure to tell the purchaser that these are pet quality not breeding stock. It is up to the new owner what they will do with them as far as breeding.... They have been told the quality.
Oh they are adorable! I have always wanted a couple, think they are so cute with the curly feathers. Do you sell hatching eggs? I think the grandkids would just love a couple running around here on our farm lol!
Happy New Year,

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