Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

Just wanted to give you an update. We lost 2 out of the 4 goslings on Saturday. We lost the one with wry neck and also another one. The one that didn't have wry neck it was never as strong as the others. I took both of them to the poultry lab today to find out why they died but the doctor told me that most 1st time layers don't do a good job and their goslings tend to not be heathy. He said next year it should be better. So now we have 2. Henry and Vine. Vine is healthy but Henry isn't doing well. He was one if the ones that Lillian stepped on and I helped saved it. His bill is shorter on the top than the bottom so he has a hard time eating. I scrambled up some duck eggs and his crumble and mixed it. I also called Sherry and she told me to put his feed in water and make a soup so its easier for him. I have called her a bunch of times and she has been so helpful and fun to talk to (thanks Sherry!).
Oh and when Lillian stepped on him when he was hatching she damaged his bill. I noticed today he breathes heavier than Vine. I am soooo attached to him. I will be so sad if something happens to him. I'm fighting for him. The guy at the lab said I should just put him down.
I won't unless their comes a time and he is suffering.

This is a video I took of Vine and Henry yesterday

This is Henry
Hang in there Henry and Sarah!! We are rooting for you both!
PS I can always ship goslings, but would need at least 2.
Poor Henry. Best wishes for your little ones.

So exactly 2 months after my lavender girl Emma started laying she's gone full on broody. We hatched one baby from her and shipped it out. I was really hoping to have some for myself but her eggs are small and super calcified and never go full term. Maybe next season will be better. Going to give her some eggs in a few days and see how she does. There are so many feathers in that nest you'd think she was bald.

The other girl I have setting (blue) laid for about 6 weeks before she caught "the broody". I do have several of her goslings hatched though. So far so good. I am going to try to candle the eggs tonight while its fairly warm out.
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my first three sebbie eggs pipped last night!, Willow and Winnies first babies, was so excited couldn't sleep lol

my 3 did too! 1 of them hatched during the night, and the other 2 are still zipping and peeping up a storm...hope they break free soon! I can't wait to see what they look like! Show pics when your's are out, ok? I will too! What a fun time of year!
Lisa in NJ

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