Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

That sounds painful, do they hate you afterward?
Everyone might be interested in this thread, starts around post 25 I believe where they touch on using TricideNeo powder for bumblefoot. You can avoid the surgery and some folks have had great success with it. I haven't tried it yet but am ordering some to give it a whirl. I have had birds that we have opened up the foot a couple times on and it keeps coming back so if this helps I will be so glad.

Daze-It probably is pretty painful, but my geese hate me anytime I catch them so I haven't noticed a difference afterwards. Keeping it well padded with a bandage afterwards helps. I wrap up the leg a little with the vet wrap, that keeps my geese from foiling my wrap job so quickly! I should really do a case study and take pics because bumblefoot is such a pain to deal with....

You should definitely consider a systemic antibiotic too because it is an active infection. I have had good luck treating with sulfa based antibiotics and you can often get them at the feed store in a gallon liquid labeled for cattle and poultry.
Daze- I had packed the hole with gauze and put a thick gauze pad on the bottom and wrapped it like crazy to get it to stay flat. It took a ton of wrap- that is why I suggest the multi pack from TSC.

If there is a way to avoid the whole surgery thing I would try it next time. But following Ruth's directions did work in our case.
Thank you everyone for your very useful information! I have decided to order the Tricide-Neo and try it. I am up for anything that only takes 5 min a day and no surgery. I will let you know how it goes!
I am curious to see how this goes with the tricide neo. I just got my package of it in and now have to go catch Ernie, ugh. He is going to be so mad at me, I hate having to catch my geese....
I have two here with bumble foot because we have so many rocks here and nut shells from the trees that they cut their feet and get infection. So I have been using the veterycin on their feet and afterwards put bag balm on it. I did pull the scab off Spicies foot then treated it. I did not pull anything from her foot just treating it now. Today a big piece of the giant sore on the foot was split away and I pulled it off this evening. He still has a pretty big sore.
I have a female that has a sore on her foot and I started treating her this way.
I'm going to be a proud Mother of a goose & gander Sevastopol's tomorrow!!! If there is anyone out there who may have a diaper pattern I would be very Very Happy and if there is anything but my first born that I could do for you just give me a shout! PM when you can! Thank you so very much!

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