Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

Thank you so much @Miss Lydia

She has gorgeous sebies!! She also is only 3.5hrs from me so super reasonable driving distance for picking up birds. i just hope she has enough i can get some atm nothing for sale cause its off season still im guessing. i will have to check back on her page in April/June and maybe again in the fall. Either time would work good for us because that gives more time for the orchard to be established and the fencing put up.
I hope it works out for you to get some. I have always loved Cottage Roses Sebbies. Let us know.
i will and maybe next spring i can swap eggs with someone for some diversity or maybe i will buy more lol. Which brings up another question the starting orchard size will be roughly an acre and then later in the year they will have access to the garden which would give them a total of about 2 acres to roam and forage on. Does anyone know how many geese/ducks would be appropriate for that size area? We have 20 acres so i can fence off more later if need be but i would rather they stay in the garden/orchard area. They dont need to be fully dependent on forage since i plan on feeding them mealies, veggies, and scratch as well. My main concern is them turning the orchard into bare dirt or eatting the veggies/veggie plants. i'm not sure how prone to this geese are i know the ducks, chickens, and guineas are very prone to it judging by the state of their run. Thank you to anyone who has any info.
I'd love to purchase a pair of goslings. I'm in FL. Anyone in FL or close by that will have any available this year? If so please pm me with details. Thanks
Any ideas on the sex? When I bought my white pair I was told one was male and one was female due to darkening on the lower back. I believe these are out of my white pair and not my gray saddlebacks. I only have the two pairs and they are penned together so I can only speculate that they are definitely out of my white pair. Any thoughts would be appreciated. These are the very first two I have hatched out.

Any ideas on the sex? When I bought my white pair I was told one was male and one was female due to darkening on the lower back. I believe these are out of my white pair and not my gray saddlebacks. I only have the two pairs and they are penned together so I can only speculate that they are definitely out of my white pair. Any thoughts would be appreciated. These are the very first two I have hatched out.

They both look like males to me usually the girls are much darker.

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